He came in every working day, wrote the bulletin, and returned home, it was his raison d'être. Now, all the entities in the TES universe are parts of the GodHead, and all the deities are his aspects. Clavicus Vile, the politician of Oblivion. Now, in this section I will give you summaries of a selection of Vile's deals and his stores, I will give links to the full story if there is  one. As previously mentioned, Vile takes great pleasure in the suffering of others, and enjoys toying with mortals, and is reviled, being known as an evil Daedra. This elf suffered form the crimson plague, and had no voice box, he was bereft of the gift of speech. They struck a deal with Vile, and attacked Umbriel with Umbra,. This masque was later claimed by the Hero of Daggerfall, after slaying a werewolf, and the Neverarine took it from the lifeless Sorkvild the Raven, a nord skilled in the arcane. We will not go into Cyrus' tale of his time with Vile, for that has already been covered in Realm.

His errand runner was told to enchant a quill, and given a pouch of money. The Rueful Axe is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince, Clavicus Vile.It takes the form of a large iron battleaxe engraved with images of werewolves, although it is actually made of ebony.It is enchanted to magically fatigue anyone that it strikes. We are not given the type of power Vile has control over, and no other Daedra has half his power split. This remained until the Nerevarine granted their wish of a Good Death. Souls were traded for energies, which Vile craved. And on and on this went, with each bulletin improving, and yet this was not his work.
The witch hid the weapon, and was later executed. This Masque, shaped like the face of Vile, brings great respect to the wearer, although it does not effect their looks. Blocking a user will prevent that user from commenting on your posts and messaging you. His errand runner was told to enchant a quill, and given a pouch of money. The realm represents Vile's spheres, a serene landscape, that most probably has a few ugly secrets.Vile himself seems to live in a humble cottage, next to a chair he sat in when meeting Cyrus, a redguard hero, in 2E 864. Yet, the house of Sathil had recovered it, and it's new wielder had gone mad, without Umbra to control him. Backstabbing was what he did, and he possessed Atrrebus and stabbed Sul, his champion. This quill brought him fame and wealth, yet the quill was the ture artist. So, could Barbas be a restraint, a leash of sort, upon Vile, to keep him behaved, and not as powerful as the others. The tale of Umbra started before it's smithing, Vile was searching for a blacksmith to create him a weapon to cause mischief, and as a source for more entertainment for the Prince.He searched and found his target, a witch named Naenra Waerr. Barbas has the gift of shapeshifting, as seen when he imprints Cyrus' features upon his canine body, that is his preferred from, upon sunny days as Vile tells us. They defeated Ethul Sathil, the wielder, and were transported to Vile's realm. Concept art by Roberto Gatto! The witch hid the weapon, and was later executed. The Daedric Prince of Wishes, Oath-Breaking and Mockery, the mischievous imp with the loyal dog, that twist and warp deals to ensnare the wisher.

This being named itself Umbra. He takes the form of a man with horns, as depicted in the drawing to the left. We are not given the type of power Vile has control over, and no other Daedra has half his power split.
Umbra, who had stolen power from Vile and was nearly the equivalent of the Prince, exchanged their lives for Vuhon building another ingenium, to tear away a section of Vile's realm and free Umbra. They did so, and Umbriel, a floating city, was created. In the second era Thaurbard, was the writer of the Chantry of Auri-El's bulletin. They defeated Ethul Sathil, the wielder, and were transported to Vile's realm. Two companions named Attrebus Mede and Sul (who was mentioned in the previous paragraph) tracked down the dungeon that contained the wielder, and were unfortunately thrown in it. Cyrus had demanded his sister to be released, yet Vile wasn't going to be intimidated by a violent fool, or heroes as some call them. It was poetic, illustrated to perfection, and the obituaries brought tears. We will not go into Cyrus' tale of his time with Vile, for that has already been covered in Realm. Another form he delights in is an almost childlike imp, one witUnlike others, the realm of Clavicus Vile is not a far cry from Mundus, unlike the hellish areas of Coldharbour, or the fantastical realm of the MadGod, the Shivering Isles or Asylum. Later, Umbra came into the hands of the bosmer named Lenwin, who was driven mad. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Later, Umbra came into the hands of the bosmer named Lenwin, who was driven mad.