At that point, Thanos would have the advantage.Thor can just call Stormbreaker back. Also Thanos is losing his hand if he smacks it the wrong way.Thanos has no advantage in hand to hand either, Thor has far better physical feats and Thanos had the Power Gem during his off-screen victory.He won't smack it the wrong way. Thor beat him casually. Thors powerful but not that powerful.Anyone who thinks Thor is beating Hela needs a rethink shes leagues above ThorAnyone who thinks Thor is beating Hela needs a rethink shes leagues above ThorTeam stomps, some of them could solo. He can aim for anywhere besides the blade.And I don't know about Thor being physically superior when Thanos was crushing his skull like a fruit.He won't smack it the wrong way. He has no defense for Stormbreaker and doesn't have any physical advantage. Hulk stomps. He has no defense for Stormbreaker and doesn't have any physical advantage. Could hulk replicate what Thor did against Surtur and the demons hell no he'd get overwhelmed eventuallyThis is how I feel. What if Thor throws Stormbreaker at Thanos, and Thanos just smacks it into the ground Kurse style and starts MMA fighting Thor? Hulk and base Thanos aren't doing much.Just because he could hit a Thanos when he had his guard down doesn't mean he is stronger or more powerful than himThis is spite. I still think Hela and Hulk would be trouble for Thor too because even if tags them perfectly and they are impaled by Stormbreaker, that won't put either of them down. He must've gooten a HUGE upgrade, so i'm curious just how much more powerful comicvine thinks he became.Thor certainly took an edge over Thanos, but the victory is so circumstantial that I don't buy into this idea that Thor is now massively stronger than Thanos. Kurse made it look easy. It's depends on if you think Hulk can survive the heat of Surturs fire, and if he can overpowered the fire demons. 2 members of this team already tanked Thor’s lightning, prime Surtur is overkill, Hulk is the weak link.The only reason I would say Thanos can not solo is because we only got to watch him beat up on Hulk in h2h, I have no clue if he can do anything else.

Hela solos, Surtur solos. Surtur which is shown in beginning of Thor Ragnarok(Small)Could go either way really if hulk can push through what thor did with his hammerFirst from Surtur was kinda weak.

Thor stomps bc he is universal level he tabked 50,999 neutron stars wirh and destroyed an omniversal infinity gauntlet blast with super saiyan kaio ken over 9000 storm breaker. In another context, namely without being ambushed, Thanos might have won. Hulk if he manages to punch Surtur, Surtur if he manages to cut Hulk's head off.

Surter tilted back from the impact. For countless millennia, it was foretold that Ragnarök, the destruction of Asgard, is destined to take place when the fire demon Surtur consumes the realm. If that's what you mean by stagger, then yes, Hulk staggered him. I still think Hela and Hulk would be trouble for Thor too because even if tags them perfectly and they are impaled by Stormbreaker, that won't put either of them down.How would Thanos be a threat without the gauntlet? This is Surtur from the beginning of the movie who lost to Thor. Hela solos, Surtur solos. I mean, if people think Clark hits at least as hard as Hulk, he would win by breaking the crown, as Hulk started to do. As much as Surtur is one of my fav characters, Hulk wins easily.Thor kinda destroyed Surtur quite easily, and Hulk goes toe-to-toe with him.The fire from Surtur may hinder and injure Hulk a bit, but no reason that he can't charge through and smash Surtur after a while.To those who think he can't touch suture because he would get burnt, let me remind you that although MCU hulk does not have the feats of 616, he still has some pretty impressive durability and regenerative feats.Thor kinda destroyed Surtur quite easily, and Hulk goes toe-to-toe with him.The fire from Surtur may hinder and injure Hulk a bit, but no reason that he can't charge through and smash Surtur after a while.To those who think he can't touch suture because he would get burnt, let me remind you that although MCU hulk does not have the feats of 616, he still has some pretty impressive durability and regenerative feats.They never showed what happened to him after that attack, he could have been perfectly fine, or he could have been down a few seconds, we don't know. Natasha got a cookie from the snack stand and gave it to infant Hulk so he wouldn't cry during the game. I don't recall any. 12 years ago Ball Buster In an attempt to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled, Odin confined Surtur to Muspelheim and locked the Eternal Flame in a vault beneath his palace. The russos confirmed Thor got a massive upgrade in IW. But, based on what i've seen from a pretty large percentage of CV, this battle should be more than fair based solely on Thors IW feats. I still think Hela and Hulk would be trouble for Thor too because even if tags them perfectly and they are impaled by Stormbreaker, that won't put either of them down.How would Thanos be a threat without the gauntlet?

Therefore, Hela or Surtur solo but Hulk and Thanos fodder here due to lack of versatility. Individually they'd give him a rough time, but together he has no chance.Thor can beat everyone 1 on 1 unless it is prime surtur then he loses to him. Hulk, in a one v one fight against even Thor, I think stands a pretty good chance. 0. He punches surtur's head off. Wiki Points.