Alaska Population Projections 2019 to 2045 The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development produces population projections for Alaska. 16.4% Population estimates, July 1, 2019, (V2019) NA Population estimates, July 1

Palmer, Alaska is a city.

-1.9% 23.0% of all households were made up of individuals and 7.5% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older.

52.1% -3.6% -19.2% According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Palmer was:There are 5,022 adults, (723 of whom are seniors) in Palmer.The highest rate of high school graduation is among islander people with a rate of 100.00%.The highest rate of bachelors degrees is among white people with a rate of 22.30%.94.16% of Palmer residents speak only English, while 5.84% speak other languages. Many Palmer residents commute 45 minutes to work in Anchorage. -4.0% 3.0%

Of those not born in the United States, the largest percentage are from Asia.The last official US Census in 2010 recorded the population at of similarly sized cities since 2000. © 2020,

Eleven million dollars from In addition to an agrarian heritage, the colony families brought with them Midwest America's small-town values, institutional structures, and a well-planned city center reminiscent of their old hometowns in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Total Population Estimates for Other Areas AKDOL prepares annual total population estimates for areas including Alaska Native Village Statistical


1.65% of residents are not US citizens. There were 1,472 households out of which 47.4% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 50.3% were married couples living together, 16.6% had a female householder with no husband present, and 28.1% were non-families. 3,815th The first people to live in the Matanuska Valley, where Palmer is located, were the In the late 19th century, the U.S. government began to take interest in the Matanuska coal fields located north of Palmer.


The non-English language spoken by the largest group is Spanish, which is spoken by 1.74% of the population.The race most likely to be in poverty in Palmer is Black, with 36.93% below the poverty level.The race least likely to be in poverty in Palmer is Asian, with 3.60% below the poverty level.The poverty rate among those that worked full-time for the past 12 months was 2.16%. In 2018 Palmer Published on Jun 3, 2019 Headed to soccer practice and flash storm showed up! Last updated: Jan 17, 2020. The Alaska State Fair holds contests for largest vegetable in several categories, and many national and even world records have been recorded at the fair, with the cabbage, radish, spinach and lettuce categories usually dominating local interest. 15.0%

-0.1% All rights reserved.

For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 93.6 males.

Number of City of Palmer Registered Voters Precinct 11-070, Matanuska-Susitna Borough Building As of the 2010 census, the population of the city is 5,937.