His wife watched him from the porch of his house while his two children played happily in the front yard.A lawyer by the name of “Judge” August Peck accompanied by his brother-in-law were driving up to the farm in their buggy when Mrs. Lang suddenly started hysterically screaming.The two men saw what she was screaming at and could only stare in disbelief. His wife and two children were watching their father walk across the field.

It is believed that Mulholland based his story on a science fiction story titled “The Difficulty of Crossing a Field,” by Ambrose Bierce. During the 1970s, researchers who contacted a Tennessee librarian named Hershal Payne unearthed a possible source for the tale. [1] Together now and forever…after many years…God bless you.” To Sarah these words meant, “Mother and Father are together now in the World Beyond, after the nightmare years of separation.”A Nashville librarian by the name of Hershel G. Payne spent many years attempting to validate the story. Upon further Investigation by handwriting expert Ann B. Hooten, it was shown that the writings were all authored by the one individual – presumably Stuart Palmer. The site features a collection of unexplained, strange and odd mysteries.contact us to submit an unexplained mystery article, or to join the team on the email address below.
David’s brother-in-law and a local attorney were approaching the home in a horse-drawn buggy. In 1880, Tennessee farmer David Lang was walking across his field as his wife and two children watched from the house. Mr David Lang was out in his fields on his farm. It is more likely that the tale of David Lang was invented by the mystery-novel writer Stuart Palmer. David Lang Disappearance. Er erhielt den Pulitzer-Preis für Musik 2008 für The Little Match Girl Passion. Mulholland was well known to have contributed many far-fetched stories to various papers under the pseudonym Orange Blossom. He simply vanished into thin air!

Januar 1957 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Komponist. He could find no evidence whatsoever of a Lang family or an August Peck ever living in the area. During the 1970s, researchers who contacted a Tennessee librarian named Hershal Payne unearthed a possible source for the tale. The message was written in her fathers handwriting and said “Together now.

But despite this rumor, there is no evidence that Mulhattan was the source of the tale. Payne said that he had heard some people attribute the tale to a well-known hoaxer who lived in Tennessee during the 1880s, Joseph Mulhattan. Palmer's article was almost certainly the source that both Wilkins and Edwards later relied upon. David Lang who was mid step disappeared right in front of their very eyes. However the field where David Lang disappeared was never used, it remained unused and untouched until Mrs. Langs eventual death.The David Lang story first became popular in the 1950’s when it appeared in the July 1953 issue of Fate magazine. The Disappearance of David Lang was a strange disappearance that allegedly happened on September 23, 1880, near Gallatin, Tennessee. David Lang – The man that disappeared into thin air!This website uses cookies and some data tracking to improve your experience and serve adverts, We assume you're ok with this, you can opt-out if you wish. A strange circle was said to have been found at the spot where he disappeared from. The story was titled “How Lost Was My Father?” and the claim was that it was written as a firsthand account of the event as told by his daughter Sarah in an interview with Stuart Palmer in 1931. People vanishing into thin air in front of witnesses, never to be seen again, does it really happen?. The story told by Ambrose Bierce was complete fiction also.The original Fate story contained samples of what was claimed to be David Lang’s handwriting, automatic writing, and signatures by Sarah and a notary public. Mrs Lang never recovered from the shock of seeing her husband suddenly disappear. There are countless stories from around the world of this incredibly weird phenomena. It seems that David Lang suddenly dropped off the face of the earth mid step in the middle of his field. In July 1953 Palmer published the earliest known account of the Lang story in FATE Magazine. !Of course the full search was done of the area in the following days but no trace of Mr Lang was ever found. It seems that David Lang suddenly dropped off the face of the earth mid step in the middle of his field.The year was 1880, date: September 23. Supposedly Mulhattan invented the tale while participating in a lying contest, and with time the story became part of local legend. The most famous of these disappearing stories is of farmer David Lang, who supposedly disappeared from his farm one day in full view of his wife, his two children, and two visiting friends, one of which was a well respected Judge. Sarah Lang and her father never existed at all.The world is full of unexplained events, strange mysteries, and mysterious legends.Cool interesting stuff features everything odd, weird, bizzare, strange or unusual.Discover the truth behind unexplained ancient mysteries, UFO mysteries, secret locations and paranormal events.uncanny, eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other-worldly, unreal, ghostly, mysterious, mystifying, strange, abnormal, unusualDiscover some of the worlds strangest ancient places.Unexplained Mysteries and Strange Things, Cool Interesting stuff has been online since early 2011. David Lang’s two children, George, 8, and Sarah, 11, were playing in the yard when Lang and his wife came out of the vine-covered brick house. On September 23, 1880, David Lang was crossing a field near his home in Sumner County, Tennessee. It was said that nothing would ever grow in this fifteen ft diameter circle and no insect or animal would go near it. The most famous of these disappearing stories is of farmer David Lang, who supposedly disappeared from his farm one day in full view of his wife, his two children, and two visiting friends, one of which was a well respected Judge. 1880, September 23: The Mystery of David Lang According to paranormal experts, during the afternoon of September 23, 1880, on a farm just a few miles outside of Gallatin, Tennessee, a remarkable -- and unexplained -- event was witnessed by five people.