It will open your clairsentience abilities.It will assist in healing digestive, stomach, liver and gallbladder ailments. Blue Chalcedony can be used when facilitating telepathic communication, as well as communication with other realms.Healing Crystals was founded in 2003 with the goal of providing affordable and quality crystals worldwide. It will enhance your ability to reach deep meditative states.It will make you more sensitive and aware to this world and the higher realm.This stone will also help you get rid of the pretentions and the lies and allow you to be truly honest with yourself.It will make you embrace your true nature so that the real you will shine. It increases physical energy. The name Chalcedony is said to have come from the port city Chalcedon in Greece.Blue-Chalcedony can be found in Namibia, Morocco, Mexico, Madagascar, India, and Brazil.When the stresses and tensions begin to pile up and your center begins to get shaky, you need something that will soften your personal auric fields and restore the balance.Blue-Chalcedony is a stone that will restore your balance and make you feel stable, especially It will also give you grounding energies that will make sure you will not be swept away by the events that transpire in your life.Blue-Chalcedony will beam out peaceful and serene vibrations that will soothe you in all aspects of your being!It will drown out the noise and make you focus on the things that truly matter.This stone will help you turn off the constant chatter going on in your head and allow you to just breathe deeply and calm down.With the help of this stone, it will be easier to quietly reflect on your life and what’s happening around you.It’s a powerful stone that will help you communicate with spirits and speak in the language of light!Blue-Chalcedony is a creative stone that will give you mental flexibility and verbal ability.Whatever your current circumstances in life are, you will be able to win at life because of these special gifts.Blue-Chalcedony will also help in the development of your psychic abilities.
The sooner you can let them go, the better you will feel.Blue-Chalcedony is also known as the Speaker’s Stone. Blue Chalcedony is able to focus on specific types of negative energy and dissipate them quickly and efficiently, a very useful property for those looking to silence unwanted thoughts or negative forces in their life. All of these metaphysical properties corresponds to a specific color variety of the crystal. It heals the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.If the base chakra is out of balance you may be belligerent and aggressive toward others. It stimulates the ability to learn new languages and improves memory. Source: Brazil. Your heart and mind can be put into balance, and the body can gain a lot of health benefits as well. Many of our customers express that they can feel the difference in our stones. Blue Chalcedony has an anti-inflammatory effect and lowers temperature and blood pressure. Pink Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline variety of Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral that is composed of sub-microscopic particles of Quartz which are arranged in fibrous layers as opposed to the “grain-like” structure of Jaspers. It will act like your soothing balm on the wounds on your energy fields.It will help you make sense of your feelings and why you have to feel them in the first place.Blue-Chalcedony will also alleviate your feelings of anxiety, panic, or desperation. Blue Chalcedony is excellent for those who tend to worry, as it helps one to center in the present instea of habitually projectiong into an imaginary future. You might need constant confirmation of your self worth, feeling unloved or lacks compassion for others.With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. Jasper worn on the naval has been considered a cure for stomach ache for thousands of years. It will make it possible for you to work smoothly and achieve your goals sooner.There will be no conflicts in the workplace or in business as long as you carry or wear this stone.Blue-Chalcedony will open your mind to new ideas and imbue you with patience and generosity to see a project through. When used on the throat chakra this stone encourages and directs your creative abilities. This is often layered, banded, translucent and even they are druzy. It may be brown and white, black and white, or solid black.Pietersite is thought to help to balance the endocrine system, stimulate the pituitary gland. You might also feel misunderstood by others or find it difficult to treat others with tenderness and benevolence.With this stone in hand, you will able to align yourself with the higher forces of the universe and connect to the subtle bodies of energy that surround you. You might also resist change of any kind and slow to respond to tasks and reasonable demands on your time.With this stone in hand, you will enhance your clairaudience abilities and manifest abundance. The stone can be used for telepathy and transmission. You also may believe that you aren't recognised for your achievements or have difficulty learning new tasks.Use this stone on the solar plexus chakra to bring empathy into your life and enhance your psychic abilities.