Is there an “Alien Base” on the Moon? Alleged conversations between Armstrong, Mission Control, and an unnamed professor also disclose the reasons behind the US government’s shock decision to cancel the Apollo Moon Landing program in 1973. Here, in this article, we have two images of what appear to be “Alien Bases” on the surface of the moon. Taken from a distance of about 250 miles, the strange structure (if that's what it is) would be enormous — seven miles high, by Hoagland's calculations. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts . “The Google ruler says its 50 miles across. Humanity just planted its flag on the far side of the moon. You can even see the shadow it casts on the ground behind Conrad. Even Armstrong himself is reported to have been silenced on the matter, though naturally, he has always publicly denied this.Maurice Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11’s radio transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to hide the news from the public. You can see Conrad in the reflection in Bean's visor. "LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon," the release states. More and more people are coming forward with stories that might prove this is true. However, his announcements were barely noticed by the general public.“Luna Base,” according to many UFOlogists is a newly discovered ancient Alien base on the far side of the Moon (e.g., the side we never see). In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. Strange things have been spotted on the moon for centuries — usually flashes of light or color, or lights that appear to move across the lunar surface. (It would have to be enormous to show up like this.) Chatelain claims that “all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin-flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. There are three small arms coming out the back of the craft. His first job after moving from France was as an electronics engineer with Convair, specializing in telecommunications, telemetry, and radar. NASA says that “artificial” structures on the Moon are A quick Internet search on this subject will bring back a plethora of The pictures are still worth looking at, though. Get the eBook and f Here are 10 of the weirdest facts and craziest conspiracies about our Moon.Over the last few years, there have been several total eclipses of the Sun by the The size of the Moon is about one-quarter that of the Earth. They also claim the base was an HQ for a massive mining operation using very large machines to likely extract valuable and rare particles found deep within the moon’s rocks. And could this be the reason why mankind hasn’t returned to the moon in recent years? His first job after moving from France was as an electronics engineer with Convair, specializing in telecommunications, telemetry, and radar. Even more recently, eminent German geologist and science writer Dr. Johannes Fiebag confirmed Wingate's discovery of an "unusual and possibly artificial structure" on the mysterious far side of the moon as shown in the 25 year old NASA Apollo 16 orbital photograph, AS16/10075825. Absolute proof of alien life on our moon.” Even the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA that discovered water at the Moon's poles in 1994, said that it was really a photo reconnaissance mission to check out strange objects on the far side of the moon. These same sources claim the CIA took charge of the footage on Apollo 11’s return to earth. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there. Now here is where things get strange.

The very bright rays coming out of the crater Joliot-Curie (top and left) were actually painted on the photo by NASA airbrush artists. Here, in this article, we have two images of what appear to be “Alien Bases” on the surface of the moon. Before dismissing Chatelain’s sensational claims, it is worth noting his impressive background in the aerospace industry and space program. Operational Bases. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music. Comment: This is a photo of the back or far side of the moon.