Abstraction (giving and seeing big picture) is very important concept in Java. It presents programming logic with simple, short examples. The author is very deliberate in his explanations of using Java in solving problems and in the overall programming concepts. Any textbook on programming concepts needs to reflect the evolution in the field by updating it periodically. Press J to jump to the feed. from one to the other.The text was very clean and loaded with links to relevant material. The instructor should plan to fill in small details in lecture or with supplementary reading, if those details are needed for whatever programming projects they wish to assign to the students.Having taught using this book for two semesters, I cannot think of any inaccuracies. 0 comments. The text takes a "late objects" approach, mentioning just the minimum required about classes to explain how to write the first program. Consistency in presentation is missing.
Learn Python the Hard Way seems to be more targeted at learning python specifically, and it focuses a lot on repetition and rote. Her experimental data is [(160, 20), (-43, 10), (270, 8), (-43, 12)]. save hide report.
Yea I can post here but its kind of annoying to make a post every time I want someone to look over a simple little exercise program I wrote.
to the next, if reading the book in sequence. Its conciseness, emphasis on vocabulary, and informal tone make it particularly appealing for readers with little or no experience. It is best to cover and provide details on how to search and navigate java documentation in general in the first chapter itself. It is also possible that a brief mention of a more advanced topic will encourage the students’ curiosity about Computer Science in general.No issues found.
Many chapters jump directly into the material while some chapters start with an introduction (example: 12 Arrays)The text is well divided into chapters, sections and sub-sectionsIt is expected that each chapter starts with the goals of that chapter.
example, or programming concept is presented.As stated in the clarity part of the review, the author is very consistent in how he presents examples and concepts. My primary reason for choosing this textbook is the conciseness and the clarity. used in the chapter. Yea I can post here but its kind of annoying to make a post every time I want someone to look over a simple little exercise program I wrote. While navigating the PDF, I can jump to a topic by clicking on the page number in the INDEX.
Object oriented programming" prior to chapters 12,13, 14.This book lacks consistency. the whole chapter or sub-sections.
Introductions to every chapter are now available. Some sub-sections in the individual chapters are out of place. the example, that is not the case in this book.The text contains 16 chapters and four appendixes. I have had student feedback indicating that they found the book clear and easy to read.The chapters are fairly short, making each one approximately appropriate for one week of classes.Each chapter concludes with a summary of the vocabulary introduced in the chapter, as well as a number of exercises.
I intend to use it in my introduction course.“Think Java” intends to provide all the topics needed for the beginners to learn Java programming. The addition of even just a fancier cover would help with providing a more professional textbook appearance that the quality of the textbook deserves.The examples used are cross-cultural, although a surprising number of students in recent years are unfamiliar with standard card games.
The chapters are sufficiently small and further subdivided into bite-sized chunks. A list of all the operators in Java is not presented in the same chapter. I can't say enough about the benefits of a concise textbook when a student is searching for one critical piece of information to cement his or her understanding of a concept.
The project has moved from sourceforge.net to github at https://github.com/checkstyle/checkstyle.
The vocabulary section at the end of each chapter is neither sorted nor precise in some definitions. Its conciseness, emphasis on vocabulary, and informal tone make it particularly appealing for readers with little or no experience. I'm self-teaching so I don't have a teacher to ask and as far as I've looked, there is so full answer sheet to this book.
The life of programming text books is directly related to the evolution of the programming languages. For instance, Chapter 2 entitled "Variables and Operators" does not introduces all the most basic data types. The one issue, the chapter on Loops should be presented earlier.Please refer to the comments in the modularity section. Think Java How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey This is an old version of the book.
another.Did not find any grammar errors. The sections in some chapters are not organized with smoothly flowing content.
Did you guys think How to think like a computer scientist 2 was a good read. The terms are well-defined and the examples are familiar. The text also refers the reader to online reference materials, such as the Java Tutorial (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/), where the student can find more detailed information. it easy for Students to grasp. Synopsis.