As the day progresses, Lizzie and the witches prepare for the talent show. Josie makes her way center stage and signs while, Lizzie, Penelope and the other witches provide backup choreography. Josie wants to sign her own song and everyone could contribute to the choreography - it would be a real collaboration. "Exactly, who do we need to thank? She believes that they don't think that she can change and they'll just assume she'll be mean. They watch as Josie and Landon leave the Lizzie hangs out with Landon and the two discuss Sci-Fi.Later, Landon and Lizzie are faced directly by the croatoan, who they believe is coming for Landon. After Landon resuscitates and is in a dazed state, he's as surprised as the others. This ends in Josie overpowering Lizzie and throwing her across the room, a feat she later becomes ashamed of, but also that convinces Lizzie that she will lose the Merge. Lizzie and Josie eventually settle their differences with the prospect of Josie's life being on the line. When Lizzie is well enough, Josie reveals that she is now powerful enough to open multiple doors out of the Prison World and back to Mystic Falls. His mind is trapped between his human and wolf form. Finally, just as Alaric let's his guard down around the towns new sheriff, a confrontation with a demon forces him to reevaluate his priorities. Hope and Lizzie eventually kill the minatour, which returns them, and the Keeper, to reality. This was definitely set up to be a bit of a love triangle-type situation with Lizzie, but it hasn’t caused too many out-and-out fights so far. Hope and Alaric search the woods for them. "I don't feel comfortable leaving my brother alone." Continuing the tradition of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, the story of the next generation of supernatural beings at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. They stop for a rest, and Lizzie tells Hope that if she remains in the game, she may not have to merge with Josie. Meanwhile as Landon and Rafael head to Mystic Falls High in hopes of learning more about the mysterious Hope, MG is conflicted by a secret he's uncovered about Lizzie's new vampire friend Sebastian. She made great strides and started to treat herself and others with more respect. The deal was that she would vote for Landon to stay at the school council and in exchange, he would take her as his date to a party. She tells Lizzie that they have a crazy Despite telling her to stay away, she uses a locator spell to track Sebastian, who arrives as the result proves inconclusive. As they begin the routine again, she questions where's Josie. She is approached by the members of the school who previously resented her, but are now happy to see she is not dead. He says MG killed Landon because he was in a state of rage and went out of control. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Later, the power struggle between the two climaxes and the two physically fight with magic. Alaric later tells the twins about the Merge after Hope pressures him. Who is She? The next day, Landon gets ready to go and Rafael comes outside to say goodbye to him. However, Rafael makes Emma sleep and accepts Hope's solution. Rafael then comes forward and admits that he always had feelings for Hope, even before the memory loss, something that surprised her. He tells what happened in Maryland and they find MG who's wounded in the woods, Rafael would have bit, it's also when seeing MG that Rafael remembers everything. While on a picnic date with Sebastian, MG interrupts them, and inadvertently convinces Lizzie that Sebastian isn't real and that she's having a psychotic break. Josie, with a smoothie in hand, enters the stage, wondering if she's late.

Confronting Josie, Lizzie prepares to Merge and when MG tells her to siphon him for extra power, she kisses him much to his surprise. He realizes that she is a witch, and again warns her to stay away as he is dangerous, however she seems infatuated with him. With this, she knocks Hope out with a log and goes to see the Keeper. Lizzie explains that she is turning over a new leaf, that she spelled a bracelet to zap her with increasing voltage whenever she said anything mean. She eventually attempts to reveal herself to the school but is stopped when MG begins to deliver her eulogy. ... Lizzie says, looking at Rafael, eyeing him up and down. Lizzie, being nice, doesn't want to change because it's what they win with every year. Lizzie may not be the worst character on the show, but so far she's had no redeeming qualities and it's something both MG and Rafael have been finally able to see. After Emma does a spell to electrocute those who are being controlled to free them of the slugs, Rafael stomps on the slug that pops out of him.