Page last updated on July 22, 2020 This entry contains the percentage shares of total land area for three different types of land use: agricultural land, forest, and other; agricultural land is further divided into arable land - land cultivated for crops like wheat, maize, and rice that are replanted after each harvest, permanent crops - land cultivated for crops like citrus, coffee, and rubber that are not replanted after each harvest, and includes land under flowering shrubs, fruit trees, nut trees, and vines, and permane . . Geographic names conform to spellings approved by the BGN with the exception of the omission of diacritical marks and special characters.

The Aimaq are a group of Persian-speaking nomadic tribes, and they constitute 4% of the total population in the country.

Factbook photos - obtained from a variety of sources - are in the public domain
This entry is the total capacity of currently installed generators, expressed in kilowatts (kW), to produce electricity.

Agriculture includes farming, fishing, and forestry. best method depends on your personal situation.

This entry provides information on a country’s constitution and includes two subfields.

Corruption, insecurity, weak governance, lack of infrastructure, and the Afghan Government's difficulty in extending rule of law to all parts of the country pose challenges to future economic growth. Name the 4 ethnic groups that make up the majority of Afghanistan's population. . . This entry shows GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population as of 1 July for the same year. These figures are calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms.

Countries with high budget deficits (relat . Band-e-Amir in Bamyan Province is Afghanistan's first national park; it consists of six spectacular turquoise lakes separated by natural dams of travertine. This, accordingly, lowered the percentage of Pashtuns inside Afghanistan temporarily and raised the percentages of the country's other ethnic groups.

This entry gives the annual percentage increase in industrial production (includes manufacturing, mining, and construction). This entry provides the mean (average) age of mothers at the birth of their first child.

This entry includes all forms of the country's name approved by the US Board on Geographic Names (Italy is used as an example): conventional long form (Italian Republic), conventional short form (Italy), local long form (Repubblica Italiana), local short form (Italia), former (Kingdom of Italy), as well as the abbreviation. . The judge selection and term of office subfield includes the organizations and associated officials responsible for nominating and appointing j . This entry provides the one- or two-character alphanumeric code indicating the nationality of civil aircraft. The Buddha statue in this cave as well as in another - both dating to the sixth century A.D. - were frequently visited and described over the centuries by travelers on the Silk Road. Unless otherwise noted, military estimates focus on the major services (army, navy, air force, and where applicable, gendarmeries) and do not account for activated reservists or delineate military service members assigned to joint staffs or defense ministries. The definition of a refugee according to a UN Convention is "a person who is outside his/her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a . Afghan President Ashraf GHANI Ahmadzai is dedicated to instituting economic reforms to include improving revenue collection and fighting corruption. These figures are calculated on an exchange rate basis, i.e., not in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms.

afghanis (AFA) per US dollar - National anthems can be officially recognized as a national song by a country's constitution or by an enacted law, or simply by tradition. This entry gives the percent of children under five considered to be underweight. Caption The USSR withdrew in 1989 under relentless pressure by internationally supported anti-communist mujahidin rebels. Tajiks make up the second largest ethnic group with 25.3 percent of the population, followed Caption View of Shahr-i-Zohok (the "Red City") in Bamyan Province. Caption

. This entry provides the public expenditure on education as a percent of GDP. The first subfield, number of registered air carriers, indicates the total number of air carriers registered with the country’s national aviation authority and issued an air operator certificate as required by the Convention on International Civil Aviation. After the war, Soviet forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 (Ahmed). See the entry for "Age structure" for the importance of a young versus an older age structure and, by implication, a low versus a high . 1125x1500 . For most countries, this entry gives the date that sovereignty was achieved and from which nation, empire, or trusteeship.

arid to semiarid; cold winters and hot summers A number of countries have separate constitutional courts. professional. and are copyright free. In September 2014, GHANI and ABDULLAH agreed to form the Government of National Unity, with GHANI inaugurated as president and ABDULLAH elevated to the newly-created position of chief executive officer.