In 1890, the chocolatier Joseph Emile Hachez first began creating chocolates that were full of character in Bremen. Chocolates with Character.
Our history goes back to 1924.
The first Ga-Jol liquorice pastille has been around since 1933 and today, Ga-Jol is the favoured liquorice pastille of the Danes.
Danish brands of chocolate and cocoa. Denmark is not a noted exporter of candies, but Danes eat more candy per capita than in other countries.Chocolate – Denmark has a long tradition of producing delicious chocolate known worldwide, most famous brand is Anthon Berg.Licorice - a very popular herb extraction in Denmark used for a number of widely available sweets, but also ice cream, desserts and in some dishes as well. Anthon Berg Anthon Berg is a Danish chocolatier founded in 1884.
Licorice - a very popular herb extraction in Denmark used for a number of widely available sweets, but also ice cream, desserts and in some dishes as well.
Iittala Alvar Aalto Collection Vase 220 mm, moss greenIittala Alvar Aalto Collection Vase 220 mm, sea blueIittala Alvar Aalto Collection Vase 220 mm, salmon pinkHaribo Matador Dark Mix Danish Salty Licorice Salmiak Candy Bag 270gToms Pingvin Heksehyl Häxvräl Salty Licorice Wine Gum Candy Bag 130gToms Pingvin Heksehyl Haxvral Salty Licorice Wine Gum Bulk Candy 200gToms BonBon Kloak Slam Salty Licorice Salmiak Hard Candy Bag 125gToms BonBon Lossepladsen Mix Danish Salty Licorice Hard Candy Bag 170gHaribo ABC Lakrids Salty Licorice Salmiak Wine Gum Candy Bag 120gHaribo Salmiak Tab's Danish Salty Licorice Wine Gum Candy Bag 120gToms Pingvin Stang Mix Filled Licorice Sticks Candy Bag 130gHaribo Salta Nappar Liquorice - Salty Licorice Dummies Candy Bag 80gHaribo Salt Sild Danish Salty Licorice Fish Wine Gum Bulk Candy 200gToms BonBon Surt Tissemyre Mix Salty Licorice Hard Candy Bag 125gHaribo Click Mix Danish Licorice Fruity Assorted Sweets Candy Bag 80gHIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS FROM SCANDINAVIAN BRANDS & DESIGNERS Fazer Tyrkisk Peber Original Salty Licorice Pepper Candy Box 2,2 kgFazer Xylimax Raspberry Sugar Free Xylitol Pastilles Box 38g, 20-PackMalaco Gott & Blandat Original Assorted Wine Gum Candy Box 2,0 kgPanda Täyte Lakupala Finnish Filled Licorice Candy Bag 250gPanda Choco & Lakrits Finnish Salty Licorice Candy Bag 120g, 12-PackTupla Maxi Original Finnish Milk Chocolate Bar 50g, 25-PackKarl Fazer Gold Edition Milk Chocolate 250g, 8-PackMalaco Skumkantareller - Foam Mushrooms Candy Box 0,938 kgPaulig Presidentti Light Roast Coffee Beans Bag 1,0 kg, 3-PackPanda Lakka Cloudberry Liqueur Filled Chocolates Box 290g, 6-PackNidar Smash Original Milk Chocolate Snacks Bag 100g, 10-PackMalaco Snöre Jordgubb - Strawberry - Soft Laces Candy Bag 94g, 24-PackKonfekta Salta Grodor - Salty Licorice Frogs Pepper Candy Box 2,0 kgHalva Salmiakkimatto Finnish Salty Licorice Carpet Bar 60g, 25-PackToms Nellie Dellies Salty Liquorice Sugar Free Candy Bag 90g, 12-PackLöfbergs Lila Kharisma Dark Roast Ground Coffee Bag 500g, 6-PackHaribo Salt Sild Danish Salty Licorice Fish WineGum Candy Box 1,615 kgHaribo Matador Dark Mix Danish Salty Licorice Candy Bag 270g, 7-PackToms Pingvin Heksehyl Häxvräl - Salty Licorice Wine Gum Candy 2,0 kgToms Pingvin Delfol Saltpastiller Salty Licorice Pastilles Box 2,5 kgMalaco Aakkoset Sirkus Licorice Fruit Alphabet Candy Bag 315g, 6-Pack Princess Feodora of Schleswig-Holstein has named and signed this German quality brand of chocolate from 1910.
Danish Chocolate Brands.
4 years ago. Galle & Jessen are renowned for the thin slices of chocolate that are stable of any Danish breakfast.
You can never be too generous'. I see that everyone else here are answering Fazer, which is absolutely wrong. Salmiaklakrids, flavored with salmiak, and salty Salt lakrids are typical Danish candy. BonBon is known as the funniest candy in Denmark, where the Junk Yard, Sewer Waste and Rotting Fish are delicious sweets. Since 1884, we have developed an internationally acclaimed chocolate universe.