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The hippocampus is located in the brain’s, inner medial region of temporal lobes and works as a memory indexer by transferring memories out to the relevant part of the cerebral hemisphere for the long-term storehouse and retrieving them when necessary.

The human hippocampus has a basal position in the telencephalon but, regarding its fine structure, is very much alike that of the rodent hippocampus… Aufl. As shown in the figure, the structure itself is curved and subfields or regions are defined along the curve, from CA4 through CA1 (only CA3 and CA1 are labeled). EndNote Descriptive and practical.

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In These fibers start from the ventral part of entorhinal cortex (EC) and contain commissural (EC◀▶Hippocampus) and Perforant path (excitatory EC▶CA1, and inhibitory EC◀▶CA2Fimbria-fornix fibers are the hippocampal and subicular gateway It is also known that extracellular stimulation of Hilar mossy cells and CA3 Pyramidal cells are the main origins of However, the region known as CA4 is in fact the "deep, polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus"In rodents, the hippocampus is positioned so that, roughly, one end is near the top of the head (the dorsal or septal end) and one end near the bottom of the head (the ventral or temporal end). Mendeley Neural Plast 2008:381243Clarkson A (1896) A text-book of histology.

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Hippocampal place cells interact extensively with head direction cells , whose activity acts as an inertial compass, and conjecturally with grid cells in the neighboring entorhinal cortex .

Nutritious, edible insects including grasshoppers, beetles, wasps, worms, cicadas, and caterpillars are paced with vitamins and minerals and are eaten by people around the globe! Eur J Neurosci 23:2895–2907. [Emx2Zhao C, Deng W et al (2008) Mechanisms and functional implications of adult neurogenesis. [Several transgenic mouse lines]Cassell MD, Brown MW (1984) The Distribution of Timm’s Stain in the Nonsulphide-perfused Human Hippocampal Formation. [Knock-in GAD67-eGFP crossed with C57/Bl6]Huggenberger S, Moser N et al (2019) Neuroanatomie des Menschen. Biol Cell 96:313–324Hosp JA, Strüber M et al (2014) Morpho-physiological criteria divide Dentate Gyrus Interneurons into classes. Reference Manager [C57BL/6]Varela-Nallar L, Arredondo SB et al (2015) Andrographolide stimulates neurogenesis in the adult Hippocampus. We examined clonal architecture and lineage relationships of the hippocampal pyramidal cells, dentate granule cells, and GABAergic interneurons.


The hippocampus is composed of distinct regions; the dentate gyrus, which comprises mainly granule neurons, and Ammon's horn, which comprises mainly pyramidal neurons, and the two regions are connected by both anatomic and functional circuits. FACT: You're used to seeing bugs in your garden, but how about on your plate?

Topologically, the surface of a cerebral hemisphere can be regarded as a sphere with an indentation where it attaches to the midbrain. [C57BL/6]Schambra U (2008) Prenatal mouse atlas. Paris. 14).

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The rodent hippocampus is a continuous structure that changes its cranial dorsal position to a lateroventral location in the more caudal parts where it eventually reaches the ventral surface of the brain. Mendeley

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