and pre-departure - twice a week Gulnara Islamovna Karimova (Cyrillic Uzbek: Гулнора Исломовна Каримова; Russian: Гульнара Исламовна Каримова, Gul'nara Islamovna Karimova; born 8 July 1972) is the eldest daughter of Islam Karimov, the leader of Uzbekistan from 1989 to his death in 2016. He revealed that she was being kept against her will "without any even basic human rights that every person deserves on this earth". Zarina studied in Great Britain.

The president’s eldest daughter, Ozoda Rahmon, was appointed as chief of staff of her father’s administration in January. English language news at Tajik channels has been broadcasted for three years. But the president would be reluctant to give her the top job because he won’t want to be too blatant, or he will generate ill feeling within the government.” The first family of Tajikistan made headlines in 2008 when the president’s son, Rustam, reportedly shot dead Hassan Saduloev – his uncle and the president’s brother-in-law – over a power struggle for control of one of the country’s banks. Indeed, Emomali is not the only one of the president’s seven daughters and two sons with a plum job. Ozoda Emomali, one of the daughters, is the head of the presidential administration, while another, Rukhshona, works in the Foreign Ministry’s office for international relations. A few months later, Tajikistan’s foreign ministry declined a request from OCCRP for details on the date of Rahmon’s  appointment.

For these children it is not a matter of being good at their jobs, their main role is to remain in there for a long time and make as much money as possible. Ozoda Rahmon is a senior government official, senator, Chief of Staff, and a daughter of president Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan.

Also, almost all members of the president’s family distributed humanitarian aid on their behalf. Ozoda Rahmon was born as Ozoda Emomalievna Rahmonova (Thanks to her status as a daughter of Tajikistan's president, Ozoda Rahmon has enjoyed a number of promotions to senior political offices.In January 2016, following about 11 years in diplomatic service, Ozoda Rahmon was appointed as head of the administration (chief of staff) of president Ozoda Rahmon's political promotions, particularly her January 2016 appointment as the president's chief of staff, has fueled speculations that she might succeed her father as the leader of Tajikistan.In April 2014, following her father's suit, she changed her name from Ozoda Emomalievna Rahmonova to Ozoda Rahmon, effectively removing the Russian-style Ozoda Rahmon is one of the nine children of Tajikistan's president Emomali Rahmon. She has a law degree and began her career in the … During this time she helped on with organizing the Tashkent International Conference "Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free-Zone" (CANWFZ).In 1998 and from 2000 to 2003, Karimova served as counselor at Uzbekistan’s Mission to In 2012, Karimova was honoured with the "Silk Road and Humanitarian Cooperation" Award of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.According to US diplomats in Uzbekistan, Karimova "bullied her way into gaining a slice of virtually every lucrative business" in the country and is viewed as a "robber baron".In the interview to the Swiss economic magazine Bilan, Karimova denied her involvement into mentioned cases stating: "I have never considered the opportunities of doing business in Switzerland. Dariga Nazarbayeva, daughter of the president of Kazakhstan, formerly ran the state television channel, Khabar, and now heads a political party which has recently merged with a group of her father’s supporters.
My name has been mentioned earlier several times in relations to companies such as Zeromax in Zug, Interspan, Oxus Gold, Wimm-Bill-Dann of Russia, Carlsberg and many others. Afterwards, from summer 1995 until 1996, she worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan at the department for political analysis and forecast, where she was assigned to write analytical reports for the State Security Council and the Presidential Administration.The next phase of her education took place after a few years of full-time work. “All that time they are afraid that someone is trying to topple them, so the turnover of other officials is very high. "In March 2014, the Swiss Prosecutor's Office announced that it had extended a money laundering investigation to include Karimova.In 2005, Karimova established and promoted the "Centre for Political Studies", the first independent think tank.Karimova is founder and the chairperson of the social organisation called In June 2010, the Fund Forum in cooperation with other foundations engaged in humanitarian aid to those affected by the events in neighbouring Kyrgyzstan.In 2010, she initiated the organization of a charitable marathon, "In the Name of Life" under the In April 2012, Karimova announced that she had initiated the establishment of a new NGO, the "Forum of Socially Responsible Citizens of Uzbekistan", which focuses on support of Uzbek citizens' social initiatives.In 2004, on her initiative was created "YangiAvlod" Festival which supports children in arts disciplines. Sign up to get the latest news and advice - including money, property, health President Rahmon Nabiyev was forced to resign in the first months of the Civil War in Tajikistan in August 1992. Read full biography The president of Tajikistan has appointed his daughter, Ozoda Rakhmonova, as deputy minister of foreign affairs, making her the latest in a line of powerful “first daughters” in central Asia. She is married to Jamoliddin Nuraliev, first deputy head of the

Local sources reported that Mr Rahmon shot Mr Saduloev, head of the country’s leading commercial bank, Orienbank, in the neck.