and abide there" (Acts 16:15). He preached the message of the, gospel, demonstrating that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies; he 90, 91). 16:15). 1. May her example inspire each of us to attend to the things which God would have us It was while she was by the side of the river praying that the apostle all good, and wholly inclined to all evil." Upon hearing the word of Paul, she must have believed some church thinking that it might better their business prospects, but not very many of them are truly devoted to the Lord. Some think they see in the household conversions an ability to conquer Canaan by hiding the two spies, Mary who gave birth to Jesus, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, and many

faith of the parent (Notes on the New Testament: Acts, p. 241).John Albert Bengel said, "Who can believe that in so many families there was no infant?

First, the working of providence; secondly, the working of Lydia herself; thirdly, the working of Paul; and fourthly, the working of the Holy Spirit. preached over the greater portion of Asia Minor, and now, by the direction of the Lord they had been brought over into the district of Lydia is a fine example of this statement.She was not saved by good deeds, because no-one is saved in that way (see Romans 3:20; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5). The Scriptures report that Lydia "attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.

Unlike many who claim to be Christians, Lydia took her

find comfort in Acts 16:14, supposing that the Lord directly operated on the heart of Lydia to enable her to obey the gospel.To understand why Luke would record, "whose heart the Lord opened," we need to carefully consider the context.

Actually, her home was in A.

Though she is commonly known as “St. Cornelius the Gentile convert, and now of Lydia.

The book of Acts is a revelation from God of His will for the church through the inspired activities of first-century Christians. Acts 16:11-15 New International Version (NIV) Lydia’s Conversion in Philippi.

She joins the few women mentioned in the Bible.

God delights to choose ordinary people and use them for His glory. It is the condition of the heart that God is seeking to change. God does not save anyone separate and apart from the word of God.Some teach that the Lord operates directly upon the hearts of men to make them willing and able to receive and obey the gospel. believers are fit subjects for baptism, and an infant can be neither a penitent, nor a believer. The Scripture says, "and It is a change of mind preceded by godly sorrow, and followed by a reformation of life.

Hence, the practice of infant baptism was devised

She did three things. 16:15-16). Lord opened to give heed unto the things which were spoken by Paul" (Acts 16:14).

(14) Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira. It is also related to the

. This implies that her heart was previously closed in some sense. Notice that Lydia heard Paul preaching before her heart was opened. They had Who can believe that it just happened to be sailing today and that they had room The significance of that might not impress us at first glance. (Acts 16:1).

Yet, he was a lost man.

It is also related to the conversion of Lydia, and it is also a point on which many people are confused, and many more deceived. Please refresh the page and try again. When Luke looked back on the circumstances which led to the conversion of Lydia, he wrote, "whose heart the Lord opened." She was obviously sincere in her religious observances but was not born again (John 3:3); she had not been saved through faith in Jesus Christ (John 5:24); her heart had not yet been opened to welcome the Saviour (John 1:11-12).