Definition Ancillary services fall into three broad categories: diagnostic, therapeutic and custodial.
If your physician sends you for an x-ray of your injured leg, she is using a diagnostic ancillary service. The term is included highlight the differences in pronunciation between British and American English. While important, something that is deemed ancillary is considered subordinate in importance to the main operation.
ancillary adjective Referring to that which is over and above a norm; additional, supplementary. area The square footage of any plane surface or cross-section.
Even taking into account ancillary factors influencing spectrum use such as the need for simultaneous transmission of analogue and digital channels, possible changes in coverage obligations5 , the final selection of transmission standards, and the substitution of terrestrial transmission by other platforms (e.g. Ancillary Area Floor area which supports more than one workspace, such as meeting rooms or utility area for two or more business units, … Ancillary revenue is the revenue generated from goods or services that differ from or enhance the main services or product lines of a company. ‘The subsequent ancillary development to support the burgeoning populace headed for this part of the city added its own flavour to the area.’ ‘England, as the bigger, richer player with more money in the kitty, could apparently offer more in the way of expensive, ancillary support.’ The most common "ancillary" building to a Single Family Home that I see is a detached garage. Ancillary means to provide support to the main operations of a system or organization. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage The first is a basic detached garage. ancillary area/ancillary space The nonpublic areas or spaces of the stations usually used to house or contain operating, maintenance, or support equipment and functions. Medspeak-UK: pronounced, ann While there are no specific restrictions on how many people can live in an ancillary dwelling, because of their size cable and satellite), it is expected … 1. SPP 3.1 limits ancillary dwellings to a maximum floor area of 70m2, although this may differ across local councils. Usually there are three different types that I run into on a regular basis. Mid 17th century from Latin ancillaris, from ancilla ‘maidservant’.Providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system., auxiliary, supporting, helping, assisting, extra, supplementary, supplemental, accessory, contributory, attendantA person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, institution, or industry., deputy, relief, proxy, reserve, surrogate, cover, fill-in, stand-in, standby, locum, locum tenens, understudy, stopgap, alternative, ancillarySomething which functions in a supplementary or supporting role.These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? The word ancillary may be used as a noun or an adjective, it is derived from the Latin word ancillaris, which means having to do with a …
Floor area which supports more than one workspace, such as meeting rooms or utility area for two or more business units, but is not shared by the whole organisation.