After the peace with the Mongols was provided, the sultan returned to Konya and left the state affairs to his vizier Semseddin Isfahani. He strengthened the defenses of the city by initiating activities for the constrution of İznik. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev was declared sultan as the puppet of the Mongols.When he ascended the throne, Anatolian Seljuk State was completely under Mongol rule. Member of the Byzantine military aristocracy crowned Byzantine emperor. Suleiman Shah prevented these developments and made a treaty with the emperor and then he defeated Cilicia Armenian king of II. He devotedly served the state for 40 years, until 1252. However, with the intervention of the notables of Anatolia, the three brothers were persuaded to rule jointly. However, within a period of 8 months, Gıyaseddin Keyhüsre, who prevailed on the nephew, ascended to the throne for the second time in 1205. Cities like Diyarbakir, Kayseri and Amasya are full of Seljuk era constructions. After III. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev was declared sultan as the puppet of the Mongols.II. Its first capital city was Iznik and then Konya. There was also Ottoman heritage to explore, plus the Mevlana Museum, so there was really a lot to see and absorb. In 1260, II. The Byzantine emperor, who benefited from these struggles, took action in the Black Sea coasts. Alaeddin Keykubad for unknown reasons in 1257. During interregnum, he acted for establishing an union by gathering the  cities that had left Anatolian Seljuk State under one flag. Please carefully review any restrictions accompanying the Licensed Material on the Getty Images website and contact your Getty Images representative if you have a question about them. Izzeddin Keykavus near Aksaray and thus Anatolia was completely under the rule of Mongol. In the photo below, you can see the total reconstruction of this historical site. The local government restored it and brought it back to its original appearance in 2007.The Şifahane Mosque is at the edge of Kent Meydani (Old Town Square), not far from the Şazibey (Ak) Mosque. In 1260, II. In the meantime, the Fourth Crusade seized Istanbul and established the Latin Empire in Istanbul. Ottomans also used the madrasa, but they abandoned it eventually, towards the end of the 19th century.

Alaeddin Keykubad built a shipyard and armory in this city and rebuilt the city's castle.

Approvals and clearances are based on the intended use.The following assets contain unreleased and/or restricted content.Mix and match royalty-free images, videos, and editorial with UltraPacks that never expire. By securing the Western border, II.

Thus, the throne trials began between II. The Byzantines have begun to regain their lands in western Anatolian.
Konya is famous for its ancient history, diverse culture, natural resources and religious schools. IV. It separated from the Great Seljuk Empire in 1077 and it lasted for 231 years, until 1308. The famous 'minai' or enamel glazing technique of the Great Seljuks of Iran was only discovered in the Alaeddin Palace in Konya and were produced during the reign of Kılıç Arslan II (1156-92). After forcing Byzantine emperor to pay money and punishing Armenian kingdom, he turned to East Anatolia and took Malatya.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t see it, perhaps that can be an incentive for me to return to Konya and visit this magnificent site properly.At a short distance from the Alaeddin Mosque, in Mevlana Street, I came across the Iplikçi Mosque.It was the second major Seljuk era construction that I visited in Konya and the oldest of everything that I’ve seen in Turkey. Tiles with underglazes were found in all Seljuk palaces, and luster tiles were encountered in the Kubadabad (Beyşehir) and Alaeddin Palaces (Konya). They were restoring many historical sites in Istanbul and also one imperial mosque in Bursa. I. Mesud divided his country among his three sons according to the tradition. Two years later, he declared himself sultan of an independent Seljuq state and established his capital at İznik.

In 1261, he conquered Konya again. Just one piece of the Seljuk Alaadin palace. After war II. Alaeddin Keykubad left the throne, he was sent to Tabriz sentenced to death. New sections of a summer palace built for Seljuk sultan Alaeddin Keykubad on the shore of Lake Beyşehir have come to the surface, but the fate of the ancient site remains unclear due to … The year 1299 when Osman Gazi was given the title of seigniory, was accepted as the foundation date of the Ottoman State.II. He was in the state service during the reign of Keykavus I, in 1212.

In order to keep the state alive, II. Thus, triple power period that will last 8 years in the history of Anatolian Seljuk State, began in 1249.II. Then the army of the Solomon Shah was destroyed. Izzeddin Keykavus left Konya and escaped to Crimea and died there in 1279.