Poynter designs programs for Tampa Bay educators and Pinellas County student journalists, and hosts the Write Field, which provides mentoring and writing instruction for minority middle school young men.If you would like to receive email updates of our upcoming programs, Poynter’s reporters and contributors cover breaking news and bring understanding and insight to put industry issues in perspective.We cover the inside stories of news organizations, the public triumphs of Pulitzer Prizes and the equally public gaffes inherent in journalism. NewsU is funded by the In 2015, the institute launched the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which sets a Non-profit journalism school in St. Petersburg, Florida Both Omidyar groups fund various projects of the Poynter Institute, which owns the Tampa Bay Times, Politifact's home base. All rights reserved. The Poynter Institute is a global leader in journalism. The site re-rated the promise as “Half True.” Eventually, it turned out that none of those assumptions were true, and in 2013 PolitiFact was forced to rank that same statement as its “Lie of the Year.” During the time that Obama’s “impossible” promises were being rated “True,” a campaign assertion by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) that Obamacare would involve “mandates and fines for small businesses” was rated “False” by PolitiFact’s editors, even though some small businesses would have to either provide health coverage for their employees or pay into a government pool program to assist such workers in obtaining coverage. Indeed, Facebook’s announcement it would use third-party fact-checkers from the ‘trusted’ Poynter Institute should have sounded even louder alarm bells, as Poynter receives funding from Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Google, the Craig Newmark Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network, and other extreme left groups. Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you We must be relevant to journalists and non-journalists alike and hold our staff and other media accountable.Poynter’s non-profit newsroom informs our teaching and serves as a leading source of news about the people, organizations, technology, trends and ideas shaping journalism and its vital role in democracy.
In April 2019, Poynter posted an “UnNews” list of 515 news websites that it considered “unreliable.” The list quickly came under attack for unreliability and poor methodology, and was pulled down within a few days. (The name of the school was changed to the Poynter Institute almost a decade later.) At least some of the organizations Together, Omidyar's Luminate Group and Soros' OSF also provided a quarter of the funding, which a South Africa-based fact-checker, the 'Africa Check', Some of the organizations on the list also manage to collect donations both from Western governments and the Facebook draws liberal ire for hiring conservative ‘fact-checkers’ for once © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2020. But people who want to keep their current insurance should be able to do that under Obama’s plan.

And we teach members of the public, helping them better understand how journalism is produced and how to tell for themselves whether it’s credible.Poynter programs like Community Conversations and our annual fundraising gala, the Our mission of stewarding journalism in our local community extends to the next generation, too. The school began on May 29, 1975, when Nelson Poynter, the owner and chairman of the St. Petersburg Times (now the Tampa Bay Times) and Times Publishing Company, announced that he planned to start a small journalism school called the Modern Media Institute.