He is kind of underwhelming in the higher ranks, and is very overwhelming in the higher ranks. Bastion is also relatively slow, making it easy to be outflanked by enemies. En mode Sentinelle, Bastion est une centrale électrique statique, protégée par un écran frontal et équipée d’une mitrailleuse rotative capable de déchaîner une pluie de balles. Overwatch Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Repair protocols and the ability to transform between stationary Sentry, mobile Recon and devastating Tank configurations provide Bastion with a high damage output at the cost of mobility. L’arme peut effectuer un « balayage » dévastateur à courte ou moyenne portée. Its default form is a mobile bipedal form with a sub-machine gun, while the second being a completely immobile turret form. However, Configuration: Sentry poses two major weaknesses to Bastion. Speaking to the omnic, he declared to come in peace and promised not to hurt the omnic; Bastion offered him the flower as a sign of peace, and the duo continued on together.Bastion ended up living with Torbjörn, and received new upgrades from the engineer. Faster heroes can easily get behind Bastion and kill it quickly with this weak point. Bastion is one of the heroes in Overwatch. Bastion is in a weird state right now. Though Bastion's new nature is gentle, its core combat programming takes over when the unit senses danger, utilizing its entire arsenal to eliminate anything it perceives as a threat. Une seule unité Bastion, gravement endommagée pendant les derniers moments de la guerre, fut oubliée pendant plus de dix ans. The most notable part of Bastion's kit is Reconfigure, which turns it into a stationary turret gun. After failing to restrain him, he detonated the rope bomb and left his attackers tied to the trees. The first is immobility, which causes Bastion to become an easy target to focus fire on. Repair protocols and the ability to transform between stationary Sentry, mobile Recon and devastating Tank configurations provide Bastion with a high probability of victory. Aujourd’hui encore, les unités Bastion incarnent les horreurs de cette période. Even though it has reasonable health and is able to repair itself in any situation, the healing ability has limits and its large frame makes it an easy target. Soon after, the commando unit of the police started to attack Bastion, but it got away before they could do anything other than angering Torbjörn. À la fin du conflit, ils furent presque tous démantelés ou détruits. Reconfiguration. Bastion knelt beside the unit, its head torn open and memory components exposed, and accessed the fallen unit's last memories. Sa programmation de combat ayant pour ainsi dire disparu, il développa un grand intérêt pour son environnement naturel et ses occupants. This is why i think to shrink the dos roster and widen the tank roster, he should be a tank. Bastion is a hero with two main forms. It is an omnic wanderer formerly built to be a war combatant, who is now travelling to satisfy its curiosity about nature and leave its horrifying past behind. After restraining his opponents, Torbjörn went off in search of the omnic, and found it observing a flower. Initialement créées pour des missions de maintien de la paix, les unités robotiques Bastion possédaient la capacité unique de pouvoir se reconfigurer rapidement pour se muer en armes d’assaut. Bastion récupère ses points de vie, mais ses systèmes d’armement sont désactivés et il reste immobile jusqu’à la fin de la réparation. In tank form, while losing some damage output, it gets more crowd control ability, as the explosion of the shells fired are very large and dangerous to all enemies. This has led to instances of conflict with the few humans it has encountered, and it tries to avoid populated areas in favor of the wild, uncharted regions of the world.Originally created for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot units possessed the unique ability to rapidly reconfigure themselves into an assault-cannon mode. En mode Reconnaissance, Bastion est parfaitement mobile et équipé d’une mitrailleuse légère qui tire des rafales régulières et est efficace à moyenne portée. Jusqu’au jour où il se réactiva brusquement. Il a la capacité de se transformer et prendre la forme de mitrailleuse et même de tank. This turret has some of the highest damage output in the game, being able to shred through shields and heroes alike, but it can't deal a critical shot. Cette capacité lui permet de se transformer et d'infliger des dégâts en arc de cercle sous la forme d'une mitraillette à 360°. Elle demeura en veille prolongée, exposée à la rouille et aux intempéries, laissant la nature reprendre ses droits.
Both of these perform in unique ways, and must be utilized to their fullest.

Autrefois combattant de première ligne lors de la terrible crise des Omniums, ce curieux automate Bastion explore maintenant le monde, fasciné par la nature mais vigilant face à une humanité qui le craint. Autrefois combattant de première ligne lors de la terrible crise des Omniums, ce curieux automate Bastion explore maintenant le monde, fasciné par la nature mais vigilant face à une humanité qui le craint.
Bastion passe d’un mode de combat à l’autre afin de s’adapter aux conditions du champ de bataille. Pendant la crise des Omniums, les Bastions furent dirigés contre leurs concepteurs humains et formèrent ainsi le gros des troupes rebelles des Omniums.