An awesome Roman numerals table / chart from 1 to 100!

The converter lets you go from arabic to roman numerals and vice versa.

Countdown from 28 Seconds (XXVIII) to 0! Roman numerals originate, as the name suggests, from the Ancient Roman empire. The Roman Numerals Converter is used to convert Roman numerals to Hindu–Arabic numerals or vice versa. Previous Numeral (XXVII) Next Numeral (XXIX) Roman Numeral: XXVIII: Decimal: 28: Convert Roman Numerals.

What is the value of the Roman numeral XXVIII? Convert Roman Numeral XXVIII to decimal. It's also possible to link directly to specific numbers, such as

Roman numerals are often used in numbered lists, on buildings to state the year they were built, and in names of regents, such as Louis XVI of France. Want to understand this? It's also possible to link directly to specific numbers, such as

Convert Numbers to Roman Numerals: With links to a great quiz to test your Roman numerals knowledge, plus other great resources!

Roman Numeral Symbols. Here is the current date and time written in roman numerals. Go ahead and use the converter and observe how the table shows the solution in realtime! Simply type in the number you would like to convert in the field you would like to convert from, and the number in the other format will appear in the other field. Due to the limitations of the roman number system you can only convert numbers from A Roman Numeral Countdown Timer! It's also possible to link directly to specific numbers, such as or Roman numerals are often used in numbered lists, on buildings to state the year they were built, and in names of regents, such as Louis Explain how 28 is XXVIII in Roman Numerals: X (10) + X (10) + V (5) + I (1) + I (1) + I (1) = 28.

for the opposite calculation. Simply type in the number you would like to convert in the field you would like to convert from, and the number in the other format will appear in the other field. Feel free to link to this site if you find it useful. Click here. What is the value of the Roman numeral XXIII? Roman Numerals; Contact Us; Car Insurance; Convert Roman Numeral XXVIII. Toggle navigation Convert Roman Numerals. The converter lets you go from arabic to roman numerals and vice versa. Unlike our position based system with base 10, the roman system is based on addition (and sometimes subtraction) of seven different values. Feel free to link to this site if you find it useful.

for the opposite calculation.

Feel free to link to this site if you find it useful. Roman numerals are often used in numbered lists, on buildings to state the year they were built, and in names of regents, such as Louis XVI of France. To write XXVIII as numbers correctly you combine the converted roman numerals together.

For example, 2020 in roman numerals is MMXX and 2019 in roman numerals is MMXIX. Roman numerals are often used in numbered lists, on buildings to state the year they were built, and in names of regents, such as Louis Click here. 28 is XXVIII in Roman Numerals. Here you can read more about what happened in XXIII = 23. Type into the box and it will be translated automatically. Roman Numerals. See our Roman Numerals Guide!

To easily convert between roman and arabic numerals you can use the table above. Since the roman number system doesn't have a zero, the hour, minute, and second component of the timestamps sometimes become empty.

Roman Numerals; Contact Us; Car Insurance; Convert Roman Numeral XXIII.