The sounds of those groaning in pain and screaming in agony must have made it one of the worst places to go.

They had been abused earlier in life, and the fat kept them from becoming an object of desire for anyone.


How long has it been for you?

Ten common lies prevent individuals from making those choices that bring about healing.

A cut finger, in most cases, heals itself. And healing, writes author Stephen Arterburn, is a choice, although not our choice, it is God's choice.

You decide to disarm, to lay down defenses, walls, guards, resentments, pain and shame to burn through your body.. mind.. and soul..

Thirty-eight wasted years seeking something that never happened as he tried the same thing over and over again with absolutely no results.


The man had a choice to be healed or not.

Also, there is a human side to the matter-there are choices we can make to ensure we experience whatever healing God, in His eternal purpose, has for us. Some of them continued to stay overweight because it had some benefits they did not want to give up.

All Rights Reserved. Jesus did not just heal him.

Ein Hörbuch pro Monat und unbegrenzt Audible Original Podcasts.

The cold virus is defeated and destroyed by the healing ability within our own bodies.

The power to heal - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - is in God's hands.

Im Idealfall entwickeln wir während unserer Kindheit das nötige Selbst- und Urvertrauen, das uns als Erwachsene durchs Leben trägt.

Alle Preise inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer.

It is the story of Jesus visiting a place where people, hundreds of people, were sick, blind, crippled, and paralyzed. He created us with healing properties within us.

I have talked with alcoholic's sick wives who refused to get well.

One of my favorites is found in the fifth chapter of the book of John. I don't know how long you have struggled, but I know this: it is time to pick up your mat and walk, or pick up your mat and cry, or pick up your mat and drive to a meeting, or pick up your mat and take your medicine, or pick up your mat and help someone else, or pick up your mat and utter a simple prayer of surrender to taking the path toward healing.

Hörbuch monatlich frei aus über 200.000 Titeln wählen, zusätzlich Audible Original Podcasts hören. This man was a permanent resident of the poolside community; he had been there thirty-eight years.

In every instance healing is a choice in which God and man are involved.