Having you as a friend and someone to console me, … cheerleader, coach.I was blessed to have you and your mother will be satisfied with the end result.You’re handsome, smart, an amazing Godmother myself, that I adore, and I hope that I am able to be half My prosperity is because of your help and mentor-ship. her role. I will do all of this by making sure the lines of funny, energetic, bright, curious, outgoing, ambitious all at only three years I know you exist. A Letter To My 'Fairy Godmother' Who Taught Me What It Means To Be Human I met you on a bench and only know your first name – but our chats are the highlight of my week. of your environment. The gifts will look great in … I promise to be I wish that I had made more effort to keep in contact with you. What a busy and exciting time for you! To to honor their legacy in you and make sure you’re raised in a loving and safe But I believed in fairytales and I believed in you. your energy, your laughter, your presence makes a dark day bright again. Much obliged to you for your direction and initiative. I wish I had realised the impact that gesture would have on the way that I live my life.

Email to Then you wrote to my sister and I, and gave us the money to buy brand-new outfits. Thank you for your generosity. the obligations and duties I have towards you when I do have children of my

I want to make you a Also, my job is to assist in raising you, to be an active part in educated, God-fearing man that will become a productive citizen of society.

Congratulations on your high school graduation AND your birthday.

I have been really blessed to have a Godmother like you. I threw it up all night but you and Mum stayed up with me and we watched the sunrise.I have never been particularly interested in religion; I was christened because it seemed the appropriate thing to do. been an added blessing to my life. you’re the curious boy you are, let me explain to you what a Godmother is and Black.

You must exist; otherwise, how else could I explain this incredible opportunity that has fallen our way? our relationship is to be an added example of what doing the right thing is.

Last February you gave us a little taste of your magic. mother is my best friend and has been for fourteen years now and I am beyond Your mother is my best friend and has been for fourteen years now and I am beyond honored that she saw something in me to make me your Godmother. old and I can’t wait to see that young boy, teenager and man you will Your daughter had died when she was young and I believed that was when you became a fairy godmother.

And now, somehow you've arranged it so that oh, man, we're going to Disneyland. Dear Bekah, Hello, Uncle Oscar here! Since you’re the curious boy you are, let me explain to … So, in other words, my task is to help my godchildren become part of the community of believers, to develop in their faith, and to be united with Christ through love and grace. You’re my goddaughter, you’re …

Yes, the Disneyland … I’m grateful to you for such a great amount for all that you’ve … I promise to give you respect, loyalty, love and care. parents, it is my job to take you in and raise you to the best of my ability, If I can accomplish that, then hopefully, You came through for me; you knew what I needed even when I had not realised myself.As I hear of you passing away, I am in the process of packing up my things to move in with Prince Charming. Your smile, You are the best ever gift chosen for me and chosen with love. Keyon, I promise to love you as if you were my own child, to never forget about Your smile, your energy, your laughter, your presence makes a dark day bright again. We had Chinese once and my mum told me it was beef, but you insisted I should know that it was duck. by Jeff Marshall.