There are further abilities available for artillery vehicles and even super-heavy tanks such as a Baneblade. That is, unless they have spies who read this article…If you’ve got Codex: Space Marines, you’ll be familiar with this concept, which enables you to custom build your own factional rules – in this case, your own Regimental Doctrine – instead of choosing from a pre-existing set. Now, with the release of The Greater Good, these insidious cells will have a range of new tools with which to overthrow their oppressors.Feeling downtrodden? Shadowsun said, and waited for Arkanis to reply.

But that’s not all…Choosing one of the Militarum Tempestus regiments also unlocks access to a unique Relic.

Whichever Sept you choose to lead with Shadowsun, she is an excellent commander as well as the bane of vehicles and heavy infantry across the battlefields of the 41st Millennium.Next week is going to be a great one for both Warhammer 40,000 and Adeptus Titanicus, with exciting new books and miniatures for both! We’ll dig deeper into each of these factions, so keep an eye out for more information later this week.The Greater Good will be available as a standard hardback and eBook, plus a darkly beautiful collector’s edition with a soft-touch embossed cover, black page edges and ribbon bookmark. The T’au Empire and Genestealer Cults (or any other faction, for that matter) won’t know what hit them when the Militarum Tempestus get stuck in! Posted by. On the other hand, the Orks sure wouldn't expect that. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. This is just a taste of the new gadgets that the T’au Empire are getting in The Greater Good.The T’au Empire hasn’t just been working on tools of war, the finest minds of the Fire caste have also been developing tactics and so the book contains a host of additional Stratagems. New codex Compendium for 9th edition with updated information for Space Marines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Chaos Space Marine, Death Guard, Thousand SonsGames Workshop Stock and Investment news for June 2020Updated compilation of rumors, leaks, previews for Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider Leak Compilation.

Then choose the Agile Outriders rule, which was originally only available to cultists from The Rusted Claw.But what if you wanted to combine it with a way to make psychic powers more reliable? Shadowsun was forced to flee and the entire Tau Empire gave up on any attempt to conquer Voltoris, seeking to instead bypass it and head for the nearby world of Prefectia in the resource rich Dovar System. As expected, Commander O'Shaserra once more proved her value as a leader as she quickly proceeded to blow the shit out of the Ork forces with the armies at her command, using similar tactics (patience and stealth) to the ones she found effective against the Imperium during the Damocles Crusade. After Shadowsun's leaving behind the cause of the greater good, she has founded her own faction calling it the 'Shadowsun Dominion'.

As part of this effort, they decreed that O'Shaserra, along with her fellow star Puretide disciples, would be put into a cycle of cryogenic stasis, with one awake and two asleep at all times, so that each of them could continue to serve the Commander O'Shaserra soon learned that she had actually been awakened prematurely due to a fuckhueg Ork invasion, the biggest the Tau had ever seen, and she was needed to help repel it. Shadowsun fought a few battles alongside the fourth sphere armies, but quickly opted to pull them back when she was using auxiliaries, as they had turned into genocidal fuckwits (probably due to them witnessing their auxiliaries being mutated in the warp). After the fourth sphere expansion tore a giant asshole in the universe (due to Tau trying proper warptravel with their new AL-38 Slipstream Module) the fourth expansion fleet was deemed lost. "Arkanis this is Shadowsun, prepare your troops for landing on Fal'shia and please relay the message to Commander Farsight." The model also conveys a sense of motion, which contrasts with the heavier, more static battlesuits of the septs.Shadowsun has received a brand-new version of the XV22 Stalker battlesuit, and it is now better than ever. Shield Captain Kitten meeting Shadowsun for the first time. What if you prefer one of the lesser-known septs or you wanted to make your own?Well, good news!

The 32nd Thetoid Eagles, for example, can make use of a brutally powerful hot-shot laspistol that can consistently dish out mortal wounds.Do you prefer to lead your army with an officer of the Ordo Tempestus? Rob them of the chance by making your Tank Ace a Weapon Expert!

Double Warlords for the win!Pretty cool, huh? I just added Kitten instead of “Carl”Captain General Constantin Valdor, the first [and best] Custode ever made. A Relic for the Enclaves allows him to pass on his knowledge to one of his warriors.Whether you’re joining the Farsight Enclaves or creating your own T’au Sept, the next Psychic Awakening book in the series is full of ways for you to spread the Greater Good throughout the galaxy.Along with the next chapter of the Psychic Awakening saga, the greatest living hero of the T’au Empire is getting a new model. With new rules, point adjustments, stratagems and units. The Kitten thing is a TTS joke about how one of the emperor's custodes, nicknamed Kitten, absolutely loathes the tau and their non-melee-focused ways because he used to have a thing for a tau chick, but she dumped him. This thread is archived.

Genestealer Cults box is stuffed with models, including Acolytes (including an Iconward), Neophytes and an Achilles Ridgerunner.