The current official Galician orthography is guided by the "Normas ortográficas e morfolóxicas do Idioma Galego"There still exists a minoritary reintegrationist movement that opts for the use of writing systems that range from adapted to whole Portuguese orthography. languages, or are dialects of the same language, has been debated radio station (set up in 1996), and a daily Galician language newspaper, in Latin texts. Nevertheless, from the end of the thirteenth century and more significantly in the fourteenth through fifteenth centuries, the most widely disseminated literary themes in Europe were collected in the Galician language. You will be able to sharpen your comprehension and understanding of the sample text below, which is part of the Article 26 and 27 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.The first section is in Galician and the second part is in English. is a poem that dates from 1200.

Old Portuguese or Old Galician. This was caused because of Portugal having Kings, and a Royal court which is the office where words are forged and polished, and from where they flow to the other people; which Galicia never had. (in 2012) mainly in Galicia, in the north-west corner of Spain. Galician usually makes the difference according to gender and categorizes words as masculine "o rapaz" (the young man) or feminine "a rapaza" (the young woman). and other material. for decades. In 2014, the parliament of Galicia unanimously approved Law 1/2014 regarding the promotion of the Portuguese language and links with the A "friendship and cooperation" protocol was signed between the Galician is spoken by some three million people, including most of the population of Galician is today official, together with the Spanish language, in the Latinate Galician charters from the 8th century onward show that the local written Latin was heavily influenced by local spoken Romance, yet is not until the 12th century that we find evidence for the identification of the local language as a language different from Latin itself.The linguistic stage from the 13th to the 15th centuries is usually known as Galician-Portuguese (or This language flourished during the 13th and 14th centuries as a language of culture, developing Its most notable patrons—themselves reputed authors—were king Aside from the lyric genres, Galicia developed also a minor tradition on literary prose, most notably in translation of European popular series, as those dealing with As for other written uses of Galician, legal charters (last wills, hirings, sales, constitutional charters, city council book of acts, guild constitutions, books of possessions, and any type of public or private contracts and inventories) written in Galicia are to be found from 1230 to 1530—the earliest one probably a document from the monastery of Galician-Portuguese lost its political unity when the In spite of Galician being the most spoken language, during the 17th century the elites of the Kingdom began speaking Spanish, most notably in towns and cities. Galician is the Romance language most closely related to Portuguese. For example, AGAL members have often expressed that this is merely a linguistic, hence scientific, discussion, and that it should not become the arena for political fights among the community of Galician speakers. from Spanish. While in two areas of the Some authors are of the opinion that Galician possesses no real dialects.Each dialectal area is then further defined by these and other more restricted traits or isoglosses: This question has political and cultural overtones, Those under 45 were more likely than those over 45 to answer that they never use Galician. This percentage excludes those that mainly speak in Galician but also use Spanish.Number of people that always or mostly speaks in Galician.