Best Happy Birthday Nurse Wishes (Quotes, Status, Greetings, Messages) Dear Nurse, you care for me more than my friends, happy birthday to my nurse This is great hospital they hired some of the awesome and beautiful nurses, happy birthday nurse You are the most gorgeous nurse in this whole hospital, happy birthday to you, I heard if you don’t chart about eating that birthday cake today, the calories don’t really happen!6. To cope with this, nurses most of the time resort to humor which is a powerful tool to help nurses be more happy and avoid Unwind, laugh, and enjoy our collection of the funniest nurse memes below. You work so hard and don't get nearly enough recognition for everything you do. These 100% original birthday wishes are 1. Looking for a unique way to wish them “Happy Birthday?”Check out our top 20+ funny birthday wishes for nurses. During his time as a student, he knows how frustrating it is to cram on difficult nursing topics and finding help online is near to impossible. We’re gonna party like you just clocked out of your last shift for the week! A birthday card with a beautiful birthday greeting is definitely a perfect way to make a nurse feel great about their selfless sacrifices every single day.

Happy birthday nurse! Nurses work in a high-pressure environment that can be stressful. On a scale from 1-10, I hope your birthday is an Eleven! ;)Nursing is a job where you’ll see it all and sometimes, nothing fazes you anymore!And they don’t understand that you have less than 10 minutes to take a break.Actual photo of a nurse explaining what happened during the One of the cons of having parents as nurses! Oh yeah, it’s your birthday today isn’t it? Do you have a friend or family member that works as a nurse? Kidding.Don’t worry, it’s gonna be worth it! Happy birthday nurse! Hey, I heard that the hospital is giving birthday presents to nurses this year! Nurse Birthday Memesbabbar baloch - March 10, 20180. Overdose yourself with these nurse memes and let out that bellow of laughterNurses work in a high-pressure environment that can be stressful. My hero wears scrubs. This is me. Happy birthday!5. Nurses and student nurses alike, enjoy our list of these funny memes to help you destress after a hard day’s work! My hero wears scrubs. Here are also This is you. 20+ Funny Birthday Wishes for Nurses 1. There is definitely nothing great than sending inspiring birthday wishes for a nurse who is so dear to you. You can also look for some pictures that related to Birthday Memes by scroll down to collection on below this picture. Here are some hilarious reasons on why you should date nurses — meme-style.Matt Vera is a registered nurse with a bachelor of science in nursing since 2009 and is currently working as a full-time writer and editor for Nurseslabs. Happy birthday nurse! We know that you could spend your birthday with anyone… but aren’t you glad you get to spend it with us at the... 3.

The most wonderful, caring, and beautiful nurse I know…would like to wish you happy birthday!19. Happy birthday nurse!16. I told the patients at the mental asylum it was your birthday today! Remember, don’t take them too seriously! They really captured my eyes.“Sorry, I was winning in poker with my nurse face.”She did end up with decks of playing cards mailed to her office.Lies! They said they’d come see you tonight when your shift starts!7. The creepy patient in room 212 said he has a “gift” for you.17. So here’s a list of happy birthday nurse messages that you can send to a nurse to make her feel special on her birthday. then here we have 45+ funny nurse birthday memes to … This is us.
This is us. I heard the charge nurse got you a birthday present today – the work of three nurses!11. Sorry if you are getting ready/with a patient/just finishing your shift/sleeping, I’ve got no idea what your schedule is!8. Readers’ discretion is advised as some have crude humor! Put your fancy scrubs on, I’m taking you out to dinner tonight! Knowing how valuable nurses are in delivering quality healthcare but limited in number, he wants to educate and inspire students in nursing. "Nurses are the heart of healthcare." Can’t wait to be your colleague!This book teaches you two things: medical-surgical nursing and how to lift with your knees.Get that experience!

Things have never been the same since we met in nursing school (maybe we should evaluate our life choices better!)20. When you’re short-staffed again during your shift today, just remember it’s because everyone else is out celebrating your birthday!13. This is me. This nurse meme really captured that moment.This is you. Put your glad rags on, join me hon’, we’ll have some fun when the clock strikes one! Happy birthday to the friend I can’t complain about how stressful my office job is!10. Oh yeah, it’s your birthday today isn’t it?2.