John Egbert Rose Lalonde Dave Strider Jade Harley Jake English Roxy Lalonde Dirk Strider Jane Crocker. She's an alien and … So I pitch shifted Critikal’s voice and I got Dirk’s voice. While Americans usually pronounce this name with a long I sound and the emphasis on the second syllables, Greeks pronounce it with the emphasis on the third syllable -- ka-lee-OH-pee. Yes it sucks because people can never say it right. I slapped it together for a friend,But I thought it sounded pretty cool so I kept it! The Homestuck pronunciation meme… lolololol. I can bring to mind at least twelve Calliopes right now.I think this is an amazing name. I continually correct people as she will have to do throughout her life. :)yEAH, I HOPE SO BECAUSE I’M GOING TO DO JUST THAT HOO HOO HOO HOO.GG: good afternoon or good morning or i guess goodnight too er…hehe Calliope is fine and I was biased because of a character I made.Im planning on naming my daughter Calliope. To me, it sounds clunky, clumsy, and heavy, one of those nameberry popular names that I've just never been able to understand the appeal of. I KNOW that it's pronounced ca-LIE-oh-pee, but every time I see it, without fail, my brain instantly registers cal-ee-OHP-ee.I associate Calliope with the word cantaloupe, and the sound of galloping hooves, for some reason. (I’ll attempt anybody but don’t expect quality results for someone like Equius since I’ve got a middling voice)What if… all homestuck characters sounded like Gilbert Gottfried?trying to see how similar my porrim and latula voices are. So I found this speech jammer thing online that adds a delay to your voice so that when you hear it, it’ll be something you already said and it REALLY messes with how you talk. (So I keep seeing everyone post their own headcanon voices for other characters and after a long search for one, I think I found mine for Jack, ironically from a other guy name Jack.) Attractive equipment, dungeons, missions, well-developed PVM and PVP gameplay, daily events. Be sure to read about the cast, and which characters are currently available. Any nickname suggestions? "Pee"??? Anyone who calls her Canteloupe obviously doesn't know how to pronounce the name--they aren't even close. Oh no. Soc. It debuted in the US Top 1000 in 2016. (Even I know how it's pronounced and my brain still says Cal-lee-oap first LOL!) Calliope is the name of the muse of epic poetry -- and also the musical instrument on the merry-go-round. Yes, there might be pronunciation issues but other names are worse on that front (Niamh and Saoirse spring to mind). But anyways,Thoughts?tell me to voice act or somfin in the following characters voices characters woo: fem tav like woah, nep, feferI, maybe meenah idk, calLIOPE, jade, spider vris sis, jane, aradias, thats it, stop, the list is over, qu riti can voice act a few of the homestuck characters, so if i filmed myself doing so would you appriciate it?? It is a wonderful, perfect name, but no one knows how to pronounce it. It's one of those 'popular on Nameberry' names that I just can't get away with (and I'm sure we all have names like that! Disregard the background noise; my brother’s keyboard is loud.If you’d like to join me and voice one of these characters, feel free to contact me! I love all the connotations. It is usable with the sweet nickname Callie. Hit me up! TROLLS. And with the rise of Penelope, I can definitely see Calliope similarly gaining popularity, especially with its appealing built-in nickname Callie.Love this to pieces. It is a nice name though, with the Greek myths and origins as a strong appeal, a nice meaning, and a pretty lively sound to it. It's a guarantee that 80% of people who see this name for the first time will not know how to pronounce it and will say it wrong. We have a Calliope in the family, and I think it is a really pretty and fun name, and it has the same ending as Peneolpe, with out the association of the Kardashians, which is also why I prefer the C-sp of the K-sp.I like this name but I think teachers will have trouble saying it at school.