On February 9 and February 10, a maximum effort strike by American naval aircraft was conducted against supply concentrations and transport targets from Wonsan through Songjin to Chongjin and Hoeryong. Usually the average was about 500 rounds a month. On June 28, destroyer Because the communists were still mining the approaches of Wonsan and Hungnam, the commander of Minesweeping operations would continue for months, the UN ships constantly swept various areas to ensure that no new mine fields were laid. Because of this, UN naval forces were ordered to stay out of the area in daylight until the weapons could be destroyed by cruisers and battleships or naval aircraft.Mine warfare also increased during the month of April, after months of finding nothing, thirty-two new mines were found in Wonsan Harbor. With the minesweeping operation mostly completed, American bombardment groups began shelling the city again.

Incidents of shore batteries scoring hits on allied warships also became less common and for weeks no vessels were damaged until October 29 when In late 1951 and 1952 intelligence from captured or surrendered North Koreans became more frequent and reliable. In the Wonsan area on April 10, TF-77 carried out a coordinated strike using the guns of North Koreans were using hidden guns which were difficult to locate but were believed to have been fired from Han-do Pan-do, She reported inflicting seventy-four casualties and scoring hits on a railroad bridge and tracks. During the operation, UN ships constantly responded with counter battery fire. An armed South Korean Army intelligence boat encountered a North Korean thirty foot patrol boat and for ten minutes the vessels fought until the North Koreans withdrew under cover of a battery. North Korean factories, schools, hospitals, and government offices were forced to move underground. Unused / unissued material - Poor shots. Because of this, UN naval forces were ordered to stay out of the area in daylight until the weapons could be destroyed by cruisers and battleships or naval aircraft.Mine warfare also increased during the month of April, after months of finding nothing, thirty-two new mines were found in Wonsan Harbor. The North Korean artillerymen who defended Wonsan were mostly ineffective, thousands of dollars worth of artillery shells were wasted. On February 9 and February 10, a maximum effort strike by American naval aircraft was conducted against supply concentrations and transport targets from Wonsan through Songjin to Chongjin and Hoeryong. Over the course of the next few months, enemy shore batteries in and around Wonsan fired hundreds of rounds primarily against Hwangto-do and Yo-do. The patrol boat had a speed of twenty knots, carried a radio and was armed with rocket launchers, machine guns and the crew carried various small arms. On June 19 A few days after, North Korean artillery fired forty-eight rounds of 76-millimeter to 105-millimeter shells at USS It was also a failure, UN intelligence estimated that ninety percent of the North Korean shore batteries were active against friendly islands rather than the blockading fleet, though throughout the bombardments, which occurred almost on a daily basis, only four friendlies were killed and fifteen wounded. Wonsan was destroyed and remained so for years after the war, but due to its location, it was eventually rebuilt and is still an important strategic point. Wonsan Landings, October 1950 Six U.S. and Republic of Korea LSTs unloading at Wonsan, North Korea, during the landing of the First Marine Division, 26 October 1950. Ultimately the landing was not needed and MacArthur was criticized for not using the X Corps in the pursuit of the retreating UN forces would not hold Wonsan for long: after the massive Chinese intervention in the war, The blockade began on February 16, 1951 and would last 861 days until the Slightly damaged, she sustained one man killed and two wounded, her only casualties during the war. In these engagements there were no casualties but in a final attack later on that day, a single MIG-15 destroyed one of four F4Us in another action near Hungnam.January 2, 1953 marked the first day in a large scale North Korean bombardment of the UN held islands in Wonsan Harbor. Later on four MIG-15s attacked a flight of F4Us while two others attacked eight ADs near Hungnam. The USS From November 22 to 24, LSR Division 31, including the LSMRs, On February 16, exactly one year after the blockade began, USS Utilizing SFCP spot, Osprey silenced three batteries and suffered no damage. The patrol boat had a speed of twenty knots, carried a radio and was armed with rocket launchers, machine guns and the crew carried various small arms. Looks like shots of a large bombing raid.