EuropaCorp is listed in Compartment C of Euronext Paris | Tel: 01 44 71. Starting in 2010, the company has been active in producing television movies and episodic television series for platforms around the world.

The Investor Relations website contains information about Europcar Mobility Group's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. ISIN code: FR0010490920 - Ticker: ECP Theatrical distribution Pierre Laurent | NewCap Régis Lefèbvre | Communication |

Bringing together financial discipline, commercial orientation and a passion for creativity, EuropaCorp has become one of Europe’s leading film and television studios. Lisa Reynaud | Investor relations | ... | May 26, 2020 The company’s global activities span the entire film value chain with expertise in production, theatrical distribution, video and VOD sales, partnerships and licensing, international sales, soundtrack publishing, and television sales. Europcar Mobility Group operates through multi brands meeting every customer specific needs; its 4 major brands being: Europcar® - the European leader in vehicle rental services, Goldcar® - the most important low-cost car-rental company in Europe, InterRent® – ‘mid-tier’ brand focused on leisure and Ubeeqo® – a European company specializing in fleet and mobility solutions for both the business and the end-customers market. Since 1999, the company has produced 10 of France's 20 highest grossing films internationally and 22 films among the 70 French productions with the most admissions internationally (source Le film français - May 17 2019 - cf. appendix). The Company pursues its strategy with 2 main objectives: 94 94 Tel: 01 55 99 50 00 The Company has temporized the production of new films due to the current financial restructuring. Groupe EuropaCorp NewCap Lisa Reynaud | Investor Relations | Pierre Laurent | NewCap Régis Lefèbvre | Communication | | Tel: 01 44 71 94 94 Tel: 01 55 99 50 00 EuropaCorp is listed on the C Compartment of Euronext Paris There were then a very limited number of deliveries of films from line-up during FY 2019/2020 which explain the 53% decrease in revenues compared to FY 2018/2019. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Renegades, LucyTo finalize its financial restructuring: within this scope the Company announced on 15 April 2020 the main terms and conditions for the share capital increases reserved for the funds Vine and Falcon for a total amount of around 193 million, approved by the General Meeting of 28 April 2020.

Annual revenue FY 2019/2020 Consolidated annual revenue of €69.8 million, principally constituted of the exploitation of catalogue. Europcar Mobility Group is a major player in mobility markets and listed on Euronext Paris. Groupe EuropaCorp NewCap Lisa Reynaud | Investor Relations |

As announced on 14 May 2020, the indicative schedule of implementation of these capital increases, impacted by the state of sanitary emergency, will be updated and issued by the Company as soon as possible.In a second phase, to launch new productions of films, with an aim of 2 The company's global activities span the entire film value chain with expertise in production, theatrical distribution, video and VOD sales, international sales, soundtrack publishing, and television sales. The company has produced or coproduced over 120 films and distributed over 160 films in French cinemas.