59. The On the first occasion only he extended his journey to England, and was then attended by his sadr azim, or Shortly after commencing this work Dal~il~l was murdered in the Lord Gladstone had the responsibility of summoning the first In the latter year we find him conducting the negotiations which resulted in the dismissal of Addington and the recall of Pitt to office as The death of Fox, who became foreign secretary and leader of the House of Commons, soon, however, broke up the Grenville administration; and in the spring of 1807 Lord Eldon once more, under Lord Liverpool's administration, returned to the woolsack, which, from that time, he continued to occupy for about twenty years, swaying the cabinet, and being in all but name Oporto was field by a revolutionary junta, and Saldanha, who had become Thomar again fled from the country; Saldanha again became A coalition government took office on the 14th of January, with Serpa Pimentel as A general election, in February 1906, was followed by three changes of ministry, the last of which, on the 19th of May, inaugurated the regime known in Portugal as the dictadura or dictatorship. He was elected landtmarskalk at the diet of 1720, and contributed, on the resignation of Ulrica Leonora, to the election of Frederick of Hesse as king of Sweden, whose first act was to restore to him the office of who was chancellor of the exchequer from 1823 to 1827; as Lord Goderich he became The breeding of cattle, adapted for the production of Well grounded in his boyhood, and thoroughly educated in his manhood, Aristotle, after Plato's death, had the further advantage of travel in his third period, when he was in his He was really, as we have seen, a prolific writer from the time when he was a young man under Plato's guidance at Athens; beginning with dialogues in the manner of his master, but afterwards preferring to write didactic works during the As The Number Of Days In The Week And The Number In The Year Are Of less interest nowadays are Robins's more purely mathematical writings, such as his Discourse concerning the Nature and Certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of Fluxions and of One of them, Potier, bishop of Beauvais, already gave himself airs as El Motamid went, however, considerably further in patronage of literature than his father, for he chose as his favourite and He helped to upset the government of King Otho and to establish his successor, was On the fall of Lord Goderich's cabinet five months later Wellington became It was undertaken in 1903, during the administration of President Rodrigues Alves, as part of a vast scheme to improve the sanitary and traffic conditions of the city, including the construction of a new shore-line and filling in the shallow parts of the shore, which had long been considered one of the Returning in 1837, he joined the moderate party, became and it seems highly probable by this delicate mode of analysis that the hypothetical position of any hydrogen which is replaced may be identified, a point which is of He died, worn out and wasted with labour and absorbing care, while still in the Clifford (q.v.) Prime in a sentence. If a customer wants to order the prime cut of meat, he will have to pay top dollar for that dish.
45. 37. Synonym: bloom , blossom , choice , efflorescence , flower , flush , ground , heyday , meridian , peak , premier , prime of life , prime quantity , prime , prize , quality , select , undercoat . After researching each air conditioning equipment, the prime product had the best reviews from previous customers. 61. Prime often means "main." superior or best. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Examples of 'prime' in a sentence You use prime to describe something that is most important in a situation. 69. 2. A man in his prime with silvered hair emerged from the darkness.