When Keigo sits down and prepares to lie about him being killed instantly, Ichigo immediately tells him to not even start as he stands nearby. Stating that no one could know this but Ichigo, Rukia explains that Grand Fisher sightings are rare and no one can agree on what it looks like. Pointing his Zanpakutō at Ichigo, who stares at it in shock, a grinning Renji begins advancing on him, prompting Ichigo to move backward in sync with him before falling back and run around the corner. The film had its American premiere on July 28, 2018 at the New York Japan Cuts Festival in New York City. Ichigo slashes away one of Grand Fisher's fur tendrils.In the shopping center where Rob's Burger is located, several civilians run into the street as Ichigo follows them, only to turn around and slash away one of Grand Fisher's tendrils before running down the sidewalk. By Megan Peters - September 16, 2018 12:14 am EDT. When a shocked Orihime asks him if Ichigo is alright, Keigo melodramatically claims that Ichigo was killed instantly, only for Ichigo to immediately correct him as he stands nearby.

As Yuzu gets up to put her dishes away, a surprised Isshin asks her if she is joking, prompting Karin to accuse her father of having the communication skills of a 14-year-old before asserting that she would not confide anything sensitive to him as she leaves to clean her dishes as well. Rukia ponders her situation and Ichigo's readiness.When Orihime asks her if she means Ichigo and Rukia were dating, Tatsuki says that Orihime should have realized this already before asserting that this is her chance. However, upon walking downstairs, Ichigo is shocked to find Karin and Isshin staring at the giant hole Fishbone D left in the wall of the living room, and when he asks if this happened last night, Ichigo is told that a truck hit the house and that the driver must have ran after he lost control. As Ichigo crashes to the ground and looks up in shock, Hexapodus arches over him and prepares to strike as Rukia tells Ichigo to watch out, only for Renji to suddenly appear and slash down through Hexapodus's body, purifying him.

Ichigo is hit in the face by one of Rukia's baseballs.Throwing Ichigo's clothes at him, Rukia tells him to come with her, to his confusion. As Rukia drags Ichigo away under the pretense that he has a stomachache and needs to see the nurse, a stunned Keigo notes that she slugged him, prompting Rukia effortlessly outmaneuvers Ichigo in their sword fight.When Ichigo asserts that he has better things to do than this and declares that this is enough, Rukia knocks him to the ground with a wooden sword that she tosses next to him. Telling Uryū to stop, Ichigo asks him if they have ever spoken before, leading Uryū to state that he does not believe so before smiling and telling Ichigo that it is good to know him, which Ichigo affirms as Uryū walks away. While Ichigo struggles to free himself, two large tendrils of fur encircle the bus through the interior and lift it into the air as Grand Fisher rotates it to face perpendicular to the ground. Download Bleach Live Action full bahasa Indonesia. As Ichigo reminds him that he cannot help it because he was born with the ability to see spirits, Yuzu asks them to keep it down because she is trying to eat her food while Karin tells her to ignore them. Later that night, as he lies in bed, Ichigo asks Rukia why she is really here, and when Rukia asks him what he means while lying in his closet, Ichigo states that he hates being the last person to know what is really going on. Shinsuke Sato ... Wretchedly Adulterated Anime Live-Action Adaptations a list of 30 titles