In contrast, Achilles’ motives are individualistic and the needs of the society are secondary to his motives.Adams, Jeff. One might hear of Achilles in other battlefields, and in other kingdoms; one might hear of Achilles wrestling with warriors of repute, across any nation; but Hector’s fate lies with Troy.The consequent acts of both characters, then, would make sense according to how they view the conflict.

The Trojan War does not portray Troy as a tyrannical of vice, deserving destruction by the courageous, virtuous Greeks. Hector is cautious, backs off at the time of an attack, and even hesitates to plan the next attack.Despite Hector upholding the norms of the society and presenting the values of many, he does not hesitate to go to war to fight for individual honor. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. This conflict between Hector and Achilles demonstrates the differences between the idiosyncratic and societal values. Some of the values that Hector depicts include sympathy and love, but the The two warriors have diverse ways in the manner they perceive these issues.

On the other hand, Achilles leads the Greek army, he is alienated, and in many ways, he lies beyond the reader’s imagination. Achilles is driven by the anger to avenge Patroklos by killing Hector. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. The god's promise to Thetis (to give victory to the Trojans) traps Hektor into a key role. We utilize security vendors that protect and ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. He has the most time on the battlefield, being the chief commander of the Trojan camp.One gets to peek at Achilles’ life only from the few scenes where he is present.
So long as the Trojan lives, Troy will live to see another day.Hector’s character is the most fleshed out in the Iliad. Achilles responds to his personal feelings without considering how his acts affect the entire society. We help them cope with academic assignments such as essays, articles, term and research papers, dissertations, coursework, case studies, PowerPoint presentations, reviews, etc. Even Achilles does not play as major a role as Hector. If one is to analyse the ending and then review the story, it can be said that the Greek warrior was indeed implicitly present throughout the Trojan conflict. Though Homer gives every warrior his due and narrates each one’s homes, family and loved ones as he fades from life, the story of Hector includes that of his brother, his wife and infant child, his family, and his Troy. provides students with professional writing and editing assistance. In Homer's Iliad, courage is valued over honesty and even faithfulness to one's wife. He is out of place in the Trojan War, a demigod forced to fight in a war of men.

This is not his story, after all.Achilles’ scenes stand aloof of the war itself. Achilles, meanwhile, is a warrior of feats. provides students with professional writing and editing assistance. As shown in the essay, both warriors are great symbols in their armies and they value pride as they seek respect from all. He is devoted to his wife, Andromache, and son, Astyanax, but resents his …

This aspect illustrates that Hector has a notion of civilization since he has to weigh the consequences of the war.

Even though Hector does not want to widow his wife, he understands that fleeing the battlefield damages the societal values and it is better to fight and lose or even die.Achilles has less to worry about as he is only focused on the prize. He will see the war to the end. Hector will stand by his adulterous brother, because at stake is Troy itself. He is the kind of hero that one hears of accomplishing impossible acts of strength, surpassing the skill of any man. Hector: Learning Manliness.

The unfolding scenes of the despair of the Greeks and Patroclus’ sacrifice were meant only to prepare for the final act of the Iliad where Hector finally meets his doom. In terms of family, Hector seems to take time and stay with his wife and son whilst ensuring that his honor does not get lost.

“Agamemnon’s densely-Packed Sorrow in Iliad 10: A Hyper textual Reading of a Homeric Simile.” "Hector' and Achilles Clash in the Iliad by Homer." One might as well have asked Hercules to fight for the Greeks; for in Hercules’ case, his reason for leaving a quest was just as petty: he lost a companion to a nymph and refused to go on.At the heart of the Iliad is Troy. Your privacy is extremely important to us. The Iliad by Homer is one of the greatest literature pieces about Western civilization and its values are still similar to what people experience in the contemporary times.Hector and Achilles are both prominent warriors in their respective societies, but their values vary widely.
Going to war is a mark of maturity and responsibility, while withdrawing underscores indolence and irresponsibility. In the Homeric culture, the honor for all people is fundamental, but it means much to a hero, as his honor is preeminent. The issue to consider is the values advanced by the two warriors, which reflect their motives on the battlefield.

For Hector, achieving individual honor represents the values he is intimately fighting for in life. A son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, Hector is the mightiest warrior in the Trojan army. “Greek and Roman Perceptions of the Afterlife in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid.” Dué, Casey. Unlike Hector, Achilles does not seem to have a good understanding of his role as a warrior, as seeking to revenge on Hector for killing Patroklos does not symbolize his concern for humanity, but his growing anger to avenge (Dué 283).The scene of the last confrontation of Hector with Achilles shows that Hector is highly civilized and human. We use cookies to create the best experience for you.