[Date] To. leave Application for Exam Preparation from Office. Dear Sir, LEAVE APPLICATION FOR EXAMS. So I will not be available for my office routine work during these specific days.Kindly grant me Leave for those days which are marked in my annexed date sheet. In such case, a casual leave application can be written addressing the principal of your school.

You can choose whichever perfectly fit for you and try that.

The Manager, Falcon’s Association. The actual reason behind taking my leave is that I have final exams of my Bachelor. Next week, my cousin’s marriage has been scheduled at Delhi and I want to attend it. Therefore, I request you to kindly grant him/her sick leave for [number of days] days. Sir/ Madam, With due to respect, I want to inform you that my exam is going to start in the next week as I said to you that I am currently studying in the M.Com final.

Passing it out would be a huge opportunity for me.
Clarify the proper timing of the exam and appropriate for leave in a polite way.
Applying for leave in written form also gives you a hard copy of the request that you can show at a later date should you need to provide evidence. Subject: 3-day leave for son’s exam. In some circumstances, a medical certificate from a certified doctor may also be required.Respected Mr. /Mrs. Therefore, you are requested to kindly grant me leave for [number of days] days so that I can attend my family function.

You can do some necessary changes to make your application of leave for ca exam effective. The letter should say from what date you would need the time off and until when.

Try to avoid using colloquial or slang terms, as these are not appropriate.

Respected Sir, I am writing this letter to bring this concern in your kind attention that I need leave for 5 days from office. Sub: Application for Two Days Leave for Final Examination Respected Sir / Madam, With due respect, it is to state that I, (Name), Volunteer (job position) from (Institute name), request you to grant me leave for two days (Date) and (Date) as I need to appear in two of my final examinations in college/university (name of the institute) on these days and will not be able to report at (institute name). I am writing this application to let you know that due to some personal problems I was unable to prepare for the upcoming Pre Board Exams.Pre Board examination is really important for me and I want to score good marks in it. Please be informed that I am taking part in the forth coming examinations of  FA/FSc/BA/BSc/MA/MSc  etc …..(put here your examination name) to be held on ……..dated. My son is appearing for AIEEE exam on 08 April 2018. Note : Please submit this application to your Div / Dept Head 7 days in advance. It is humbly stated that I am working as a Junior Clerk in your good office; I have always tried to perform my job honestly.

Your leave application format should be convincing and formal; Always include a valid reason and describe the reason why you want the leave; If you are writing … It’s my humble request to please provide me 1 week of leave so that I can prepare for my upcoming examination and score some good marks. But, a good leave application can make things smooth between you and your boss. I shall be thankful to you for this favor.here is another sample leave application for exam preparation.With due to respect, I want to let you know my exams are coming in the next week. The letter from the doctor is also attached for your reference. But, a good leave application can make things smooth between you and your boss. Leave Application for Examination Sample. Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info ,and some similar things. Answer (1 of 6): Writing a letter for any kind of leave, including for exam purposes, is a professional and polite way to give your employer advance notice of your request. Actually, I have to go with my mother to visit my grandmother at her place due to some urgent piece of work.

While writing a leave application for office, it is important to mention the subject and proper reason for leave. For that reason, I require 1 week leave for my exam preparation.It is requested to grant me leave for a week from ( starting date ) to ( ending date )I ensure you that after my exam, I will be regular in office as I was. At present, I also doing some courses related to my job and exam for that coming next week.