No rapid heartbeat or pounding , no wheezing. If the symptoms persist or do get worse, then you should move to a location at least 1,000 meters lower immediately to ensure the symptoms do not get any more severe. Oxygen should only be used if absolutely necessary for life-threatening conditions.The “gradual ascent” rule is an important rule when traveling at higher altitudes, especially if you are intending to travel even higher. Almost all travelers experience altitude sickness while visiting Lhasa. Lhasa, the Tibetan regional capital has an altitude of around 3,656 meters, which is way above the lowest altitude for altitude sickness to have an effect. While it can occur at elevations as low as 1,500 meters, it is more likely to affect travelers to higher altitudes above 2,900 meters. We recommend that you spend a couple of days in Lhasa city to get used to the high altitude at 3,600 meters (11,800 feet).. Being physically fit can sometimes help to reduce the risk of altitude sickness, so by preparing for the trip with regular exercise, such as jogging, cycling, and swimming, there is a potential for reducing the chance of altitude sickness in Tibet.Firstly, the myth that the trains to Tibet allow you to acclimatize to the heights of the plateau before you arrive is nothing more than a perpetuated urban legend. This elevation is high enough to give most people (3 in 4 people) altitude sickness. Every time you use oxygen to help relieve the symptoms, you reduce the body’s adjustment and it can sometimes have to start producing more red blood cells again from the start. The contents, pics and designs of are protected by DMCA, and any copying, transferring or any other usage of our website is prohibited. We've both got altitude sickness, but she's got it worse. However the major threat of sunburn can be avoided if pr ...Tibet Safety: Is It Safe to Travel Tibet This Year?Tibet has been plagued by a bad reputation as not being safe. In China, there is a little known remedy in TCM that is available from traditional pharmacies that has been known to reduce the risk and symptoms of altitude sickness. For which Tibet Tourism Bureau awarded us “Excellent Organizer of Mt.

The staff are very friendly, but it is very difficult to find anyone who speaks English when our guide is not around. Always carry the medicines you need and can take, and ask for oxygen if you feel you need it. However, Dexamethasone should not be taken without a prescription and when not under the supervision of a medical practitioner.Other drugs used for combating the symptoms of altitude sickness are ibuprofen or paracetamol for the headaches and anti-nausea tablets for those feeling sick. I have a feeling its going to be a long night...that's why I'm on the computer! Contact Tibet Vista for timely, professional travel advice. In most cases of altitude sickness, the symptoms abate once the body has had chance to acclimatize to the increase in altitude.Due to the thinner atmosphere of the Tibetan plateau, some of the milder symptoms of altitude sickness are normal for most travelers whilst acclimatizing and can be easily relieved with a couple of days spent in Lhasa for acclimatization. Try to spend 2-3 days per 1000m rise; give your body some time to produce more red blood cells etc. Lhasa is 3656 meters (11995 feet) above sea level. All rights are reserved by TIBET VISTA (Copyright © 2005-2020 When we got into our room, Sandra lay on the bad and didn't get out of it for two days. This time is best spent resting and acclimatizing when not touring the sights, to better ready yourself for higher altitudes, such as Gyantse, Shigatse, Lake Namtso, and the sacred Mount Kailash. However, while you are using oxygen, your body is no longer acclimatizing, and the repeated use of oxygen at high altitudes can make the symptoms worse when you stop using it.We all have our little bad habits. We're building a community of world adventurers rather than occasional vacationers acclimatisation. We are the pioneer of Tibet tourism for global tourists, since 1984!

This happened to me last night every twenty to thirty minutes, so my sleeping was fitful at best. A sample script to send your agent. Reaching an elevation of 5,072 metres above sea level, the Qinghai-Tibet railway is the world's highest railway by elevation.

I have never tried this one, but I believe it plays a part in the recent election in Bolivia.Tolerance for high altitude is genetically determind, that explains some family can while others can't live in that environment.I forgot to mention one thing, i.e. Altitude sickness is one of the illnesses that are unique to highland travel. For which Tibet Tourism Bureau awarded us “Excellent Organizer of Mt. Kathmandu's altitude is too low to really prepare you for Tibet.

Here, we have a definitive guide to altitude sickness and how to deal with it and even avoid it if possible.Altitude sickness is considered as the biggest health risk for People with serious heart diseases should not visit Tibet. Whatever the bad habit, in Tibet this can lead to you having a massively increased risk of high altitude sickness.

Normally, it is only fatal in extreme circumstances at altitudes above 6,000 meters, and for normal tourists to Tibet, you will experience only the minor symptoms of altitude sickness in one way or another. It bothers some people more than others. If a tourist suffers from altitude sickness, the best remedy is to take him to a lower altitude. The use of oxygen is often preferable to having the symptoms and can help relieve them in the short term. Whilst there are some dangers, they’re easily overcome. The Tibet characteristic architectures are caught your eyes.