The kink is present in a clinical thermometer. Special instruments can give readings to one thousandth of a degree. (ii) Resistance of the heater. This is convenient in handling.

[citation needed] However, this precision does not mean the reading is true or accurate, it only means that very small changes can be observed. A laboratory thermometer is meant for chemical testing so it has different measurements on it, reading different degrees on it. A clinical thermometer is one that you will use on a person, like the ones you stick under your tonue. Ask your question. clinical thermometer More precise than the alcohol thermometer, it is used to take the temperature of the human body; it is graduated from 94°F to 108°F. 1. Log in.

previous. Since clinical thermometers can’t be used to measure temperature other than the human body, we need a special type of thermometers for other purposes. next.

A laboratory themometer will cover a much larger range, including boiling point and absolute zero. expansion chamber Space that is taken up by the gas in the capillary bore; it is pushed back as the mercury rises into it. le=1"> <style> Body{ background-color: white ; font-family: cursive; } .glow{ font-size: 80px; color: #fff; text-align: center; -webkit-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; -moz-animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; animation: glow 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate; } @-webkit-keyframes glow{ from{ text-shadow: 0 0 10px #fff, 0 0 20px #fff, 0 0 30px #e60073, 0 0 40px #e60073, 0 0 50px #e60073, 0 0 60px #e60073, 0 0 70px #e60073; } } </style> </head> <body> <h1 class="glow">FOLLOw</h1> </body> </html> [/tex]#Follow 17thx » iNboX​ ... Clinical thermometers and many electronic thermometers are usually readable to 0.1 °C. Calculate the percentage change in it's temperature​ (iii) ElIf vectors, A= (cos wt i cap + sin wt j cap) and B= (cos wt/2 i cap + sin wt/2 j cap) are the function of time, then the value of 't' at which they arFind the mass of 555 cm³ of iron in kg when density of iron is 7.6 g/cm³​Free points[tex]<marquee></marquee>[/tex][tex] <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-sca(30 points) Hey, could you attach a picture of some tough problems from motion in 1D (Class 11, 1D) it would be really helpful!! A laboratory thermometer is meant for chemical testing so it has different measurements on it, reading different degrees on it.

It ranges from -10˚C to 110˚C. For example the clinical thermometer will only measure between 80 and 106 degrees because that is the range of body temperatures for humans. The narrow bore of the capillary tube is uniform. ectric energy consumed in a 2-hour use of the heater. this causes the liquid to stay fixed inside the tube at the same level unless you vigorously shake it. Define capillary tube. While laboritory is made of coloured alcohol . (k1 = 2x 10^-4A 4-kW heater is connected to a 220-V power source.

Join now. And laboritory is used in labs to measure temprature of solutions and can withstand extreme tempraturesHow do you think about the answers? capillary tube synonyms, capillary tube pronunciation, capillary tube translation, English dictionary definition of capillary tube.

Clinical is used to read temrature of of our body and is used in homes or clinics and can measure from0degree celcius to 100 degree celcius. Calculate (i) Electric current passing through the heater. Also if you are in USA the lab thermometer will have Celsius and Fahrenheit on it, whereas the clinical will only have Fahrenheit. Lab thermometers do not have a kink as the readings should be accurate, and the kink would cause errors to creep in.the clinical thermometer has a king(that is that it is a bit close together and does not allow the mercury to pass trough easily)which the laboratory thermometer does not havein a laboratory thermometer we do not have aconstriction whereas in a clinical one we do have a constrictionA clinical thermometre contains normally mercury .

You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? The liquid is contained in a thin-walled glass bulb. stem Glass tube containing the capillary bore. Log in. Find an answer to your question what is the difference between the capillary tubes of clinical and laboratory thermometer 1. Complete blood count (CBC) is one of the very important basic laboratory investigations in any clinical setting on which many clinical decisions are based. Also the clinical thermometer doesnt have mercury in it because it is poisonous for human consumption, and the laboratory thermometer will have mercury.he results demonstrate a generally positive performance of the two devices tested. The bulb is made relatively larger than its bore to contain more of the liquid, so as to improve sensitivity. The difference between a thermoscope and a thermometer is that the latter has a scale. The thermometer is made relatively small so that it is portable and cheap.