But to be successful in our quest to hire the right candidates we have to make use of theIf you’re not online with an ATS yet, it’s time to step-up!Today you can’t afford to recruit with manual processes and gut-feel decision making. You’re looking for tightly and smartly written language that clearly describes what they can bring to the position. You should also consider any negative feedback you get that shows that candidates aren’t as skilled or as reliable as they seem.Once you’ve taken everything you learned in the selection process into account, from your own candidate evaluation to background and reference checks, you’re ready to make your hiring decision.Congratulations!
Ask the following:Now that you know what you’re looking for and how to go about finding the right candidate, you have to make it known that you’re hiring.
If you’re looking to build a gender-balanced team in a sector dominated by one gender, check out these five steps in which you can do it successfully.This stage of the employee selection process often involves multiple parties in the hiring team, including the HR representative, the hiring manager, the recruiter, and sometimes even the direct report. There are numerous ways to filter resumes:This is a practical side of the selection process; you’re looking for the background that qualifies a candidate for the position you want to fill. However, applications can and should be selection tools, helping you sort candidates as qualified or unqualified.How can you do this? Things to consider upfront are:Once you’ve identified what you’re looking for, you can begin to put a selection process in place. Background screening shouldn’t be used as a way to disqualify someone or reduce the number of applicants for a position. Learn more about the features available and how they make each recruiting task easier.Connect with our team of Workable experts and other industry professionals. If this feels like a time-consuming affair, you’re probably right. Screening interviews are:Screening interviews done, you now have a shortlist for in-depth interviews. Look for providers and evaluate them based on compliance, costs, turnaround time and types of checks they offer.If you’re using recruiting software like Workable, you’ll be able to access background checks straight from the system via an integrated provider, thus saving time.The law in many places mandates that you ask candidates’ permission before you conduct checks in an employee selection process.
You can add two or three questions relevant to the position. This way, you’ll get feedback about their performance from people they’ve actually worked with in the past, such as former managers, former colleagues or business partners and clients.To obtain objective and relevant information, you need to ask targeted questions.
Watch out for answers that may not sound genuine or contradictions with their resume or application.Once you’ve screened candidates and sorted them out into “promising”, “maybe”, and “disqualified” groups, you want to look at the surviving candidates and further assess their ability to do the job you’re looking to fill.
Here are some do’s and don’ts:Based on the past employment references, verifications, skills tests, and assessments, you’ll now be left with two or three candidates from which to make a selection.Always remember what the selection process is all about. But this is where we can get lost. So make sure you know the applicable regulations to order background checks as necessary.Also, pre-employment checks are themselves regulated by law.
Does the candidate:It may initially seem corny to list one’s hobbies and personal interests in a resume, but even As through every step of the employee selection procedures, you want to keep your unconscious bias in check.
Stay close to realistic goals that you might expect of them if they were working in your company; don’t ask them to complete a complex project in a 24-hour span, but don’t give them 20 days either.Communication is key. Identify top talent for your environment.
The skill of organizing and presenting information in a clear and concise way is on full display here.Consider the following examples of how a resume’s layout can offer a quick demonstration of a candidate’s skill set:Similarly to the resume, a candidate’s cover letter gives you an idea of who they are and what they bring to the role.