Trading is all about the short-term, with stocks and shares being bought and sold in a matter of weeks, days, or even minutes. The account opening is seamless, fully digital, and really fast. It's a different demographic as well. Money transferred in seconds. Revolut has conducted due diligence on the Third Party Broker to ensure that it has the necessary expertise in the relevant instruments.Further details on how the Third Party Broker executes its orders can be obtained directly from the Third Party Broker.By submitting an Order through the Revolut App you are deemed to have accepted this Order Handling Policy, including the terms on which the Orders are executed (including where necessary the Third Party Broker’s execution policy).The Compliance team of Revolut Trading will review this Order Handling Policy on an at least annual basis to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and to reflect any changes to applicable law or regulation that may apply.
You also acknowledge that the Third Party Broker may also request additional information of you for the purposes of conducting its own identity and verification checks in accordance with applicable law.Whilst we aim to make the Revolut App available to you on a continuous basis, we cannot guarantee that the Revolut App will be available to you continuously, meaning there may be instances where you cannot submit Orders and monitor your Positions. All Revolut customers that use the platform will be charged an annual custody fee, amounting to 0.01% of their portfolio. No account minimumsAccess the feature directly in the Revolut app and start commision-free stock trading today.Get started with Revolut on your iOS or Android deviceGo to Dashboard > Trading, then read and accept the T&CsBrowse market rates and start stock trading with any of our supported currenciesIt’s easy to get started to trade with Revolut, if you're not already.

We do not take any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any market data or other such information provided to you via the Revolut App and we are not liable to you for any actions taken by you or not taken by you as a result of your use of any such information.We will also provide you with trade confirms via the Revolut App and / or by email once your Order has been executed by the Third Party Broker, which shows you the exact details of the transaction arising from your executed Order. Trades with Revolut are instant, with a 0.01 percent annual custody fee and no account minimums. We all know and had dreadful trading experiences like, order declines, freezes, lagging, missing shares etc. A breakdown of what is and isn’t included as part of your Account is provided in the tables below:Once you have passed your Limit then the following Commission per Trade will apply:We also charge a custody fee of 0.01% of the market value of your assets on an annual basis.Please note that you will only be charged for Orders which are executed. (£1 per trade thereafter - see the Trading FAQ for your country’s equivalent) We also charge a small annual custody fee of 0.01% of the market value of your assets. Even started trading on the Nasdaq last week.Unlimited commission free trading from @RevolutApp for metal customers. This means that the price at which you submitted your Order may not be the price that your Order is in fact executed at. "We have the ecosystem, it's not really a fair comparison," he said.
There are several trading platforms with so many even advertised here on youtube. (£1 per trade thereafter - see the Trading FAQ for your country’s equivalent) We also charge a small annual custody fee of 0.01% of the market value of your assets. If you have any questions or are in any doubt about the content of this document, you should seek appropriate professional advice.We will not execute any Orders that you submit via the Revolut App, but rather will transmit Orders to the Third Party Broker for execution. Before using your Revolut App to submit Orders in relation to Instruments, you should ensure that you have read this Order Handling Policy. Additional trades will be charged at £1 each, Revolut said.The news also arrives as Revolut readies an expansion into the U.S. Before using your Revolut App to submit Orders in relation to Instruments, you should consider whether you have understood the risks detailed in this notice. "Mohamed was tasked with heading up Revolut's wealth and trading unit late last year.