Whoooo Dark Souls server! Shadow Shield applies, causing Aeacus to take less damage. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Fotia Guide : Encyclopedia of Knowledge about AdventureQuest Worlds. Turned US into an undead minion? A Facebook Application See pages that link to and include this page. And what's worse is the fact that Glutus roasting dragonslayers with his fire breath and rotating them above fires to cook them, along with Valsarian attacking Darkmoor Village, enslaving its residents as a result, having his Drakel shock anyone trying to defy him and threatening to kill those refusing to serve himslaughter his own fellow dragons just to steal their own treasure hoards for himself out of his own over-inflated greed. Append content without editing the whole page source. Has ruled over the Sandsea for 1500 years, using the Light Orb to keep himself alive as a lich. Sadly, the vial of the Tears he refused to allow himself to be cured by was the last vial of the Tears, and Lionfang later wasted said vial on Drakath, seeing for himself that Drakath could not be effected by the Tears and instead only shrugged them off and allowed them to boil onto his solidified storm clouds, therefore seeing to Lionfang being the one to be deprived of Chaorruption. [August 11, 2019] Undead Legion Armor AQW Legion Lycan, AQW Undead Legend Monster, Shadow Legion Armor, AQW Legion Titan, AQW Legion, Overlord Undead Knight, Undead Champion, Undead Paladin, Undead Legionnaire, AQW Legion Vampire, Undead Assassin, Undead Warrior, Undead Legion Armor Lord of Cinder Version, Undead Legion Art, AQW Legion Sword, AQW Female Armor, Skeleton Aqw … Chairman Platinum first appeared in AQW on April Fools Day 2012, in which he took over Battleon and had it remodeled in EbilCorp fashion. Then later, You can skip the Tower of Necromancy without having to become a Necromancer by completing quests to create a fake Necro U ID.

And to top it all off? And after her freedom from the Queen of Monsters' influence by Aven's spirit, Kolyaban the Rehsaper crossed it when we learn of what she did to Aria: turning her into a monster and bending her to her will, which, without a doubt, forces the hero to fight against her. Aeacus's Strenght in Death buff, which doubles his damage output for some time. He even makes Gravelyn wear her slave bikini as the Twins seem to show signs of this. Seeing how he manipulated the Horcs and Trolls into a war so he could chaorrupt everything in Bloodtusk Ravine from within without anybody noticing, you can tell he's always one step ahead of them, plus you have to admit respect for the little guy.Desoloth can certainly count as well. Imminent Doom applies, causing Aeacus to deal double critical damage. View wiki source for this page without editing. And what's even better?

Galanoth even lampshades it himselfhe mind-controlled Akriloth into destroying Ashenvale and later destroyed the Frozen Claymore and killed Demento in front of both the hero and GalanothKolyaban certainly made players feel terrible once they saw that she turned the sweet and innocent Aria into a he betrayed them and Madra to side with Kolyaban, and later pulled off a Kimberly being the actual Sixth Lord of Chaos came out of nowhere and was hard to predict for people who had not seen the he was literally stripped of most of his powers by the Queen of Monsters after her summoning, and he could've worked alongside the hero in an effort to regain his powers and take his revenge against the Queen.he hangs out in Crownsreach, serving as nothing more than a representative for the Chaos faction. Find out what you can do.

Shadow Fade applies, causing Aeacus to dodge most attacks dealt. as the Champion of Darkness is way too obvious with the foreshadowing with him not casting a light spell.with King Alteon as the 12th lord of chaos and the Hero as the 13th Lord and considering Drakath says that he saves both King Alteon and the Hero for last. And judging from what Kyanos and Abel said after Karok's second defeat, you can just tell that General Nevanna loses a lot of sympathy when she murders her own former teammate, Aven Greywhorl, to prevent both him and the hero from recovering the Celestial Horn of Balance. In the Sandsea saga, Sek-Duat tells you that you can only defeat Tibicenas with another Djinn, and the Djinn you get is Saahir, who tells you of how Tibi got kicked out of the Djinn world. Undead Champion (Armor).

Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Ultimate Guide to farm XP and Class Point - AdventureQuest Worlds (AQW) This Guide is divided in 3 parts. Also see: Skeletal Champion. Favorite Class:Pyro, Chaos Slayer, Evo Shammy, and Lycan Favorite Boss:King Alteon, Lionfang, Iadoa, and Ultra Drakath (For my high crits on Chaos slayer) Favorite Event: 13 lords of Chaos Finale ( Hyped up for chaos slayer class and Drakath boss fight) Favorite Weapon: Venom Head always had an evil fit for me He orchestrated for his faithful servant X'Dir to have the hero defeat the four Prime dragons and use their Dracoscintilla to open the Dragon Gate for him... and everything went according to his plan.