This is especially seen with one of Frigga's tricks on Odin.While Frigg was believed to have been an honorable wife, she did take hold of an opportunity to outsmart her husband and end a conflict between outsiders.

Frigga, like Holda, is notorious for instigating house cleaning and organizing projects. Looking at Freyja (who I also worship), I would rather my kids take the nurturing approach, than the promiscuous one.My Grandmother, who I care deeply for, has a journey that mirrors Frigga's journey. I am its owner and a co-admin there, and my title is literally Frith Weaver. Her piece on my altar is a scarf I knitted.I worship Frigg as Frigg + Freyja combined, so not only does she encompass domains related to the hearth, home, family, marriage, motherhood, children, domestic crafts, cooking, wyrd, divination, frith, hospitality, and animal husbandry, but she also has associations with war, death, sexuality, sensuality, beauty, fertility, crops, and young womanhood.Since I am the lady of my hearth, Frigg is my role model. He asked Frigg who the “long-beards” were. Of the 11 goddesses who are seated nearby while Frigg works away at the jewel-covered spinning wheel, three are named as Frigg’s favorites - Lin, Fulla, and Gna. one goddess or two?It's easy to get confused. I will say that she is at least a better representation of the hope I have for my kids. Something went wrong. In essence, and journey, she is the Friggswoman here.I call her Frigga, though, I think its only because that is how I first learned about her name. Odin was known for being incredibly strong-willed but in this myth, Frigg found a way past this. When she converted, she immediately sought out Frigga, there was so much relation. I think of her often when I run errands, cook meals, schedule and host parties, maintain relationships on behalf of my boyfriend and me (this means suggesting hangouts with mutual friends, reaching out to them, and arranging the hangouts), and spend time in my boyfriend's company.

She's always been there with this presents of comfort and guidance.

Thank you again for responding.Frigg is very warm, welcoming, and kind to me, like a grandmother or mother who immediately whisks you into their home and asks if you've eaten yet. Frigga to me needs an exploration of masculinity and the balancing force of hot temper versus clan honor imo. To her, Frith is key. Other offerings: Hand-spun fibers of any kind; anything to do with spinning or weaving. I encourage discussion and try to engage with server members in supportive ways. I am not saying that she is the ultimate role model. It just makes me feel connected to her as well as my recent ancestors.I'm seeing a lot of people getting a connection with her by way of fiber arts and I think that's great. I take my role as master of domestic affairs seriously. All agree they were among the most ancient of the Norse deities.Together they represent the two aspects of the original Great Goddess with Freya serving as the maiden and Frigga the wife/mother aspect. ).Thank you for the response, particularly the peek into your practice by way of sharing with us what you offer. (Please share! Make the following sacrifices to Mars… three pounds of wheat, four-and-a-half of lard, four-and-a-half of meat and three pints of wine. "And Frea said: "They are the Winniler, but now that you gave them one of your names, grant them victory too!" . A sky goddess, responsible for weaving the clouds and therefore for sunshine and rain and the fertility of the crops, she was also responsible for weaving the fates, as well as a 'seer', one who knew the future though she could never change it.Freya was a warrior goddess, a Valkyrie, and also the goddess of sensual love. I feel a particularly special connection to her when I am knitting, as this was a skill passed down from my grandmother and mother, also because Frig is a weaver. He did this knowing that the Vandals would be visible through the window on his side of the bed.While Odin was sleeping, Frigg told the women of the Winniler tribe to reposition their hair so that it would appear as long beards. Make offerings to keep your oxen in good health. It is something not really expressed by our other Gods.They balance me in ways that I never understood, and will likely never understand because it is not in my nature.I'll phrase it this way "without Frigga's influence in my life, I fail to recognize my own role"As an individual that does prize my role in my family as a fatherly figure, my focus is of course on protection and guidance, but I seem to fail when it comes to being nurturing. She is equal to every god in the norse relgion, equal in her own way.