All the same things you can do to the video.You can also shift it on the timeline by dragging and dropping it in a new place.Remember to also check if your track is shorter or longer than your video.You will need to trim off the back end to match the length of the videoAnother thing to note is that you can only edit one item in the second track at a time.This is important if you have multiple pieces of audio which will happen when you want to fade in and out.There are two situations that require you to fade music.If the music is longer than it needs to be, you don’t want it to just suddenly cut it off.You will find this function in the volume option in the sound submenu.Make sure you have selected the correct audio track to edit.Here you can adjust the master volume of the track and theThis is when you want the music to drop down to let a talking video clip be heard, and then return back to music.The music needs to be turned down in this isolated part only.Find the part where it needs to start being softer and make a split there.Select the new split-off part and find the part where it should end and get louder again.The piece in the middle (beneath the talking video clip) can now be volume adjusted to 30% of the normal full volume.Only this part, where the man is talking, the music needs to be faded to 30%.When you play the video it will now beautifully drop and rise as needed.You need to be sure your edit is all ready & done before you do these music split adjustments.If you make any changes to the edit, like shorten or remove a clip the audio fade you created will not align correctly with the corresponding part.Unlike a desktop editing app, where you can just readjust it, in Splice you have to delete the track and start again. 17:08. In this tutorial video, we walk through how to browse, preview, and download sounds on the go using the Splice mobile app. Learn more. Ovvio manca il multi traccia e altro di app professionali come Premiere o Final Cut ma su mobile è il meglio che ci sia :) Inoltre dimostrano che gratuita non significa peggiore , anzi :) Davvero ottima App molto bella ed efficiente, unico problema è che ti fa creare il video ma quando poi alla fine lo vuoi salvare ti dice che hai utilizzato degli elementi Pro e di conseguenza per salvarlo devi pagare. Sounds Pick the perfect sound. Transizioni ok , effetti ok , insomma c'è tutto quello che vi serve per fare dei buoni video . Compatibile con iPhone, iPad e iPod touch.Italiano, Cinese Semplificato, Cinese Tradizionale, Coreano, Francese, Giapponese, Inglese, Portoghese, Russo, Spagnolo, Tedesco, TurcoSe “In famiglia” è stato attivato, fino a sei membri della famiglia potranno usare l’app.Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. the export video option.If any one of these terms is exciting you, you can click on the word and jump there right now.There is still one important detail for me to explain in this Introduction Chapter.It is, but I have seen so many people struggle with this and there is a specific reason why.The great thing in the SPLICE is that, unlike iMovie, it adapted to the old Splice system of using blocks.When you grab a clip to drag the view changes to a view that you can manage the rearrange.But if you are struggling with the zoomed in zoomed out view in general, you need to learn about the zoom function.Simple place two fingers on an empty part of the timeline and pull them together or apart.Literally pinch the screen inward or outward to zoom in and out respectively.That about sums up my introduction to the working timeline of the Splice Video Editor app of iOS devices.Next we are going to deep dive into Trimming, Cutting & Splitting Clips in Splice.As I just said there are 3 ways to make a clip shorter.We will go over all 3 in this chapter, but before we do I want to talk about shortening your clips in general first.Trimming your clips is one of the most important parts of the editing process.The right trim is the difference between a boring video and an exceptional video.Viewers only need to see enough to get the idea of what you want to show them.We cover this excessively in our filming tutorials, because if you film something right you make the editing easier.Now that I have that out of the way I can get into the 3 clip-cutting methods you have available.It simply means to take off the front and the back of your clip.In almost all editing applications once a clip is highlighted a little handle will appear at start and end of the clip.You can TRIM the clip to its best part by sliding these handles.More often than not the music has something to do with it.Happy upbeat music tends to allow for shorter clips.I want to talk about beat editing, but it’s just a little too early for that right now.The cut feature has been removed & replaced in Splice.It was clunky and hard to use - I never ever used it.One of the things that made iMove better than Splice was the fact that Splice only had Trim & Cut, and iMovie had the winning tool: Split.When video-editing on a desktop app there is only one way I like to shorten my clips.On a desktop app the Cut tool is what mobile phone apps (like Splice) call the Split Tool.