Einmal pro Spielzug: Du kannst 1 Zauber abwerfen und dann 1 Karte auf dem Spielfeld wählen; zerstöre das gewählte Ziel.Puoi Evocare Specialmente questa carta (dalla tua mano o Cimitero) rimuovendo 6 Segnalini Magia da una "Cittadella Magica di Endymion" che controlli. Se viene Evocato in questo modo: scegli come bersaglio 1 Magia nel tuo Cimitero; aggiungi quel bersaglio alla tua mano.
I will not be demonstrating a combo due to the fact you get negation power due to what your opponent does.

Uma vez por turno: você pode descartar 1 Magia e, depois, escolher 1 card no campo; destrua o alvo.Puedes Invocar esta carta de Modo Especial (desde tu mano o Cementerio) retirando 6 Contadores Mágicos de una "Ciudadela Mágica de Endimión" que controles. Une fois par tour : vous pouvez défausser 1 Magie, puis ciblez 1 carte sur le Terrain ; détruisez la cible.Du kannst diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung (von deiner Hand oder deinem Friedhof) beschwören, indem du 6 Zauberzählmarken von einer „Magische Zitadelle von Endymion“ entfernst, die du kontrollierst. Most need to be summoned at the right time to take advantage.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ②: 이 카드의 ①의 방법으로 특수 소환에 성공했을 경우, 자신 묘지의 마법 카드 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동한다. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Deck Endymion Post Duel Overload Master Rule 2020 - YouTube By obtaining spell counters from your opponent’s spell cards or your spell cards, the monster effects can be used multiple effects in one turn. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. idk i just feel like the deck just makes a bunch of mediocre boards, and doesn’t really do to much outside of maybe… MAYBE(JOKINGLY XD had to) setting up like one negate and no real disruption. Endymion March 2020. The main goal of this deck is to get cards like endymion +a spell counter card and mythical beast Jackal king to negate spells, traps, and monster affect when you need to. First introduced to players in March of 2009, the Endymion archetype was Konami's first big attempt to make Spellcasters into something threatening. 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator and has a Duel School related to it in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Si es Invocada de esta forma: selecciona 1 Mágica en tu Cementerio; añade ese objetivo a tu mano. Se Invocado desta forma: escolha 1 Magia no seu Cemitério; adicione o alvo à sua mão. WARNING this deck is one of the harder decks to learn due to all the text in the cards, and advanced combos. I left … It is the eighth Deck in the OCG's Structure Deck R series, following Structure Deck R: Undead World. Falls diese Karte auf diese Art beschworen wird: Wähle 1 Zauber in deinem Friedhof; füge das gewählte Ziel deiner Hand hinzu. ③: 1턴에 1번, 패에서 마법 카드 1장을 버리고, 필드의 카드 1장을 대상으로 하여 발동할 수 있다. "Endymion, the Master Magician" appears as a character in Yu-Gi-Oh! can we talk about the fact that there is no abyss actor??? 5D's World … Which mostly have effects in special summing and/or offensive methods.Spell/Trap drawing cards include: Endymion’s Lab, Spell Power Mastery, Mythical Beastiary, Spell Power Grasp, Terraforming (Other monster effects)Protection cards include: Power of the Guardian, Messenger of Peace, Royal DecreeDon’t summon heaps of Link or XYZ monsters straight away if you don’t have to.

Main Deck: Side Deck: 3 Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic 1 Fairy Tail - Luna 1 Kai-Den Kendo Spirit 2 Magical Abductor 3 Magicians' Souls 1 Magister of Endymion 1 Mythical Beast Bashilisk 1 Mythical Beast Garuda 1 Mythical Beast Jackal 3 Mythical Beast Jackal King 3 Mythical Beast Master Cerberus 1 Mythical Beast Medusa 2 Reflection of Endymion Monster Effect: You can only Special Summon "Magister(s) of Endymion" once per turn. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Main 40. Official Card Game. 그 카드를 파괴한다.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Articles, reviews, lists and so much more you should seeEndymion cards ft. Mythical Beasts both have monster effects that revolve around spell counters.