Why would you need me to teach you archery? "I have been training for three years for your personal amusement? It was a way for us to more closely examine you, Perseus. A statue of a god who was petrified when he tried his chances with flirting with a certain Olympian goddess, that now served as a good reminder to never try getting into the nerves of THAT sworn virgin goddess. However I didn't listen I just turned away and ran.As I got to the cabins everyone seemed to be avoiding me, even the Stolls.

The two paths beside the stairs would lead to an open kitchen and dining space.

I looked around to see most of the gods looking at me with smirks on their faces, especially Ares. Perseus stated truthfully. "Perseus wasn't really listening, especially with Zeus' what seemed to be empty flattery."What?" "You must now realize that your father's training was more of a test in some ways. Apollo stood up and said, "To turn a mortal into an Olympian, all twelve Olympians have to change into their true forms, in front of the mortal, all at the same time." The author would like to thank you for your continued support. ""Okay, so you're saying that this council meeting could have happened two years ago." "Perseus was about to respond to Artemis' statement when Zeus spoke, "My daughter and son will come once a week to your palace to help in your archery. The other gods and goddesses around him murmured in agreement.Perceus nodded his thanks to the King of Gods, and then proceed thanking the other eleven Olympians.

His pondering was interrupted by his father, "Perseus God of-" Poseidon and the other Olympians didn't know his gifts as a god so he finished the phrase for him. Zeus had been generous in his gifts, Percy hadn't expected being offered godhood since he had declined his offer after defeating Kronos a year back. The Avengers are split between Steve and Tony, but they are forced to into an awkward and tense reunification when a monstrous threat rises from the depths of Tartarus. The leaves where just starting to get that brown, auburn color.

"All hail lord Pursues god of Tides, Swordsmanship, Intercourse, Loyalty, emotions, Heroes, Angles and god of Ice" Poseidon exclaimed happily. I felt a surge of power go over me when I heard all of my domains, indestructible wings grew from my back and I could tell that I could retract them at any time. "The first year of your training was to see if you were ready and reliable. I was heading to a counsel meeting as I heard someone screaming near the strawberry fields. Apollo murmured in confirmation.Artemis just glared silver darts at Perseus, "I do not teach boys, I am a Maiden Goddess.

I could feel the earth trembling as my so-called fiancé tried to persuade me against what I had just seen. Your review has been posted.

He becomes an adrenaline junky and brings himself all kinds of new problems and happiness, not to mention a friend in someone he would have never thought of. I turned back but knew that he was not following me. Now, just because they … Unfortunately for him a man hating goddess and friends are going to be gaining a new Guardian. "Percy, we are going to perform the ceremony to make you a god." Which god will I become? This time I looked at the man who was thrusting into my girl, I just could see who it was. Once you are ready, you will report to Dionysus and replace him atCampHalf-Blood."

Then she gave me a warm smile and nodded in my direction.

"I… I accept."

When I got to Zeus I paused I don't know why but something told me that I should go back and bow to Athena and so I did. "I have no problem against that Lord Dionysus," Perseus answered for Zeus. "Ah most probably, but knowing Lord Apollo he would be more inclined to bring me into a bar or something than actually teach me." Zeus continued. "QUIET" Zeus boomed when he saw me at the door. Percy's POV "Perseus Jackson," Zeus' voice boomed in the huge throne room.

What happens to him when Zeus gives him godhood without withdraw.

As I wadded into the water I immediately felt a scene of recovery. After a year training with his father percy returns to find out that Annabeth has cheated on him. the gods grant him goodhood and he becomes the god of Tides, Swordsmanship, Intercourse, Loyalty, emotions, Heroes, Angels and god of Ice. That's when I knew this was going to hurt.As a blast of power from all the Olympians hit my body at once I turned into ashes.

"Perseus, you shall become the thirteenth Olympian. Leaving my cabin I was stopped by Chiron, he was like a second father to me.All I could do was give him a hug then I sprinted to the beach.

The thirteenth Olympian," Zeus' voice boomed in the council. "Which is why I need one month, I wanted to ask you Lady Artemis if you could train me in archery before I became Camp Director.""What? Percy Jackson is left reeling after Giant War, dealing with the death of Annabeth and so many others. Room is a relatively small word, considering that it had to withhold enough space for twelve thrones circling the sides of the room all facing toward the center. I walked forward slowly bowing at all the gods and goddesses except for Athena. "After you have become an Olympian, it … I didn't know what I was thinking but when she saw that I passed her she didn't argue she let me pass.