This is often a time of introspection and self discovery, as you evaluate the trials and tribulations that you've endured over the past year. This is a social full moon for you, and it could be romantic if you allow yourself to play. It is also sometimes called the Moon before Yule.“The term Long Night’s Moon is a doubly appropriate name because the midwinter night is indeed long, and because the Moon is above the horizon for a long time.“The midwinter full Moon has a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite a low Sun.”“Yule is an old northern European winter festival that is now associated with Christmas.“The Native American names for the full moon in December — as reported in the Farmer’s Almanac — are the Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon.“The Cold Moon gets its name because December is the month when it really starts to get cold, although our coldest average temperatures are in January.“The Long Night Moon gets its name because the full moon in December occurs near the solstice, which has the longest night of the year.“The full moon takes a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite to the low sun, so the moon will be above the horizon longer than at other times of the year.”This is the 12th such full moon of the year, however on occasion there can be 13.This is because the Moon orbits Earth every 29.53 days, meaning sometimes in a month there are two full Moons.The second Full Moon in one month is called a Blue Moon.

Instead of letting this Full Moon be a time of unhealthy escape, let it be a time of … 15° Aries.

New Moon See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, The Cold Moon has several other names too, including the Full Cold Moon or the Full Long Night’s Moon.The Farmers Almenac website explained: “During this month the winter cold fastens its grip, and nights are at their longest and darkest. When observed from the UK, the Moon will travel across the skies from 4pm GMT on Saturday to 8.33m GMT on Sunday morning.Many of the Moon’s unusual names can be traced back to the traditions of Native American tribes adopted by Colonial Europeans.Native tribes would often name each of the Moon’s full phases in a bid to keep track of the changing seasons and corresponding shifts in the landscape.The April Pink Moon, for instance, is believed to represent Wild Ground Phlox or Moss Phlox – a small pink flower which springs after winter and covers the ground like a blanket.The June Strawberry Moon, on the other hand, signalled wild strawberries were ripening and would soon be ready for harvest.With this in mind, the December Cold Moon is a pretty obvious reference to the season of winter and its long and cold nights.The Old Farmer’s Almanac explained: “This full Moon is also called the Long Nights Moon by some Native American tribes because it occurs near the winter solstice – the day with the least amount of daylight.“This year, the Full Cold Moon reaches its peak just a day after the winter solstice, meaning it will appear full to the naked eye on the night of solstice.“The last time the full Moon occurred exactly on the winter solstice was in 2010, but it won’t happen again until 2094.”The Full Moon is an incredibly potent symbol across many different cultures, religions and beliefs. When it's cold outside, open your heart and home to friends and family. The Spiritual Meaning Of The July 2020 New Moon Is All About Stability. This is often a time of introspection and self discovery, as you evaluate the trials and tribulations that you've endured over the past year. The last moon phase of the year is the Long Nights Moon in December, also called the Cold Moon or Big Winter Moon, depending on where you live. There is going to be a full cold moon very soon and with that, a major energetic shift is taking place. The moon is also queen of the night, her kingdom includes all nocturnal creaturesAccording to Avia Venefica, of, the Moon is the “maternal” force of nature balanced out by the “paternal” presence of the Sun.The spiritual expert said: “Where the Sun will boldly bear down its blaze upon a given philosophical subject – the Moon softly enfolds our attention – illumining our psyche in a gossamer glow that is more open to esoteric impressions.”This also means the Moon shares symbolic associations with balance, renewal, emotion, intuition and perception.In astrological terms, the Moon is strongly linked to the element of water, the zodiac of Cancer and all aquatic creatures.Ms Venefica said the Moon is the “divine matron” of all sea creatures, particularly those with shell coverings.She said: “Her domain doesn’t stop at the sea, however, because the Moon is also“But as with everything else in symbolism, this is not an exclusive rule.“The Moon’s connection with animals will vary according to culture, myth, era, etc.“For example, the horse possesses lunar symbolism in Celtic mythology – Celtic goddess Epona – yet equines are solar figures in many Native American tribes.” See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, Gemini is an Air sign and is symbolized by the twins and ruled by Mercury. The coming full moon has been described as a Cold Moon – aptly named considering it comes in the coldest month. THE last Full Moon of the year, the so-called December Cold Moon, will light up the night skies tomorrow – but what is the meaning of the Cold Moon and how will it affect you? See More April Spiritual Meaning >. Your July 13, 2020 Weekly Horoscope Is All About Spiritual Growth. In the UK, the Moon is expected to reach full illumination at about 5.48pm GMT when it is already high in the sky. New Moon 5th of April 2019. The heavens are preparing a celestial gift to close out the decade: the last December cold moon.