There are many battles to be won, but we will battle them together—all of us. "It has ruined the futures we had planned.
YouGov showed the SNP has 40% of the vote for a European election.“As voters go to the polls for the European elections on May 23 our message will be clear and direct. Feel free to republish and share widely. Our actions now, this year and next year, have a incalculable amount of importance to all life."
Every day of the week, we publish the most important breaking news & views for the progressive community. Changing course allowed me to set out on a new path, with a new future dictated by the personal mission to do whatever I could to help society confront the truth, and initiate a global response to the climate crisis. She helped pioneer the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign, which has led more than 1400 global governments to declare a Climate Emergency.
To remain an independent news source, we do not advertise, sell subscriptions or accept corporate contributions. And we must be responsible with our finances.“But few countries on earth can match our resources and our potential. If we can’t process out loss, then we can’t live in reality. If the forests die, I die.
Nicola Sturgeon has said she believes the world is facing a climate emergency and pledged to speed up efforts to achieve zero carbon emissions..
"Facing the Climate Emergency: Grieving The Future You Thought You HadBecause of people like you, another world is possible. I knew this wasn’t literally true, but I also knew that I had many options. It challenges basic assumptions about progress—that, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said “the arc of history is long but it bends towards justice.” The climate crisis threatens to set back thousands of years of human development. We are independent, non-profit, advertising-free and 100% reader supported.Common Dreams is a small nonprofit with a big mission. It has also made the present—what we do now—almost unbearably important. "Only when you are able to face the future as it is—not as it was or as you dreamed it would be—will you fully grieve and be ready to move on. "My grief enabled me to remember my connection to all life, and helped me let go of the illusion of my separate self. I imagined myself married with children. Think of the widower who cannot acknowledge the death of his wife, never cleans out her closet, and is thus never able to create a full life without her.The climate emergency threatens to destroy our shared and personal futures. On the other, it’s a huge loss—the loss of our most cherished plans, goals, fand fantasies. Rev.
We become imprisoned and immobile. - Craig Brown, Co-founderOur work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. If we stop ourselves from feeling grief, we stop ourselves from processing the reality of our loss.
Facing climate emergency Friday, 26 July 2019 | VK Bahuguna As climate change becomes more palpable, it’s time for us to take appropriate actions post the commitments made in the Paris deal. In my experience, most people have not integrated the climate emergency into their sense of identity and future plans.
This way, we can turn grief into power. What a lovely life I had planned! "Above all, in order to live in truth, we have to grieve for our own futures—the futures we had planned, hoped for, and thought we were building. If the oceans die, I die. They know, intellectually, that the climate crisis is real, but they have not faced that reality emotionally, they have not grieved the future they thought they had, and consequently, they have not been able to act rationally or responsibility.Thankfully, this is starting to change.
Scotland will lead by example.”In a speech focusing heavily on the SNP’s bid to become Scotland’s main anti-Brexit party in the She made several domestic policy announcements including a £150m scheme to co-fund mortgage deposits for first time buyers with new loans, and a promise to provide £250 grants for poor children going to nursery, with a second grant once they start at primary school.Sturgeon cited opinion polls this weekend that give the SNP a substantial lead over the other parties in Scotland, of between 23 and 26 points in all three legislatures: Holyrood, Westminster and the European parliament.Two polls by YouGov and Panelbase this weekend suggest the SNP will win three or four or Scotland’s six seats in the European elections next month, reducing Labour and the Tories to one each. Margaret Klein Salamon's book "Facing the Climate Emergency" encourages people to become 'climate warriors'. Thank you. Please help keep Common Dreams alive by making a contribution.
It’s a hard step, but it’s also part of the necessary work of stepping into the now and facing our climate emergency.
When I was a child, I remember my mother telling me that I could be anything I wanted to be. I had to say goodbye to the future I had planned on, and, in many ways, I had to say goodbye to the person who had made those plans, and so I had to grieve those losses, too.Psychotherapists know that grief is not optional: when confronted with devastating losses, grief is the only healthy way to respond and adapt to new realities. It’s a hard step, but it’s also part of the necessary work of stepping into the now and facing our climate emergency. (Photo: Sawitree Pamee / EyeEm / Getty Images)Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I was never going to lead a happy and satisfying life while watching the world burn, no matter how much self-care I practiced. It has ruined the futures we had planned. Letting go of my hopes and plans that were, in themselves, a kind of climate denial—allowing me to live in line with my values and in climate truth.