The vote may be revoked in the same way as it was exercised by the day before the shareholders’ meeting or by declaration expressed by the interested party during the meeting. shall be identified by the auditing firm and the company that conferred the engagement, which to this end shall mutually notify each other of any potential situations capable of compromising the auditor’s independence.


3. The list is made available by the company for consultation by the public

statements of foreign subsidiaries that were prepared for the purposes of consolidation. 3.

- the parent company does interfere in any way, not even by imparting direct or indirect instructions, in the exercise of the voting rights relating to the holdings managed; describing the measures that it intends to take to eliminate such a situation, the timescales involved, and the immediate precautions to be taken on a provisional basis.

4. Subsequent changes to the programme must be promptly disclosed to the public.

2. 2. *׹P�_�S� � a) of the resolution for the share capital increase in accordance with Article2442 of the Italian Civil Code or reduction of capital due to losses; 3. The subscription offer shall contain at least the identification elements of the offering and the following information reproduced in a font that facilitates reading: the minutes of the resolutions passed, within thirty days of the date of the resolutions.

a) “Bank of Italy regulation" means the regulation on the collective investment management used by the Bank of Italy in accordance with the Consolidated Law;

period for which authorisation of the programme has been given. Following publication of a competing bid or an increased bid, acceptances of the other bids shall be revocable.

Code; c) “Prospectus regulation”: Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 14 June 2017; 2.


compliance with Annex 3A.

5. 7 April 2020 is published in Official Journal no. The offer price adjusted downwards by CONSOB shall not consider the price of the trading transactions pursuant to subsection 1, paragraphs a) and b). 2. 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) apply.

2) carry out credit securitisation activities referred to in Italian Law No. 1.

d) existence of potential conflicts of interest between the parties involved in the transaction, such as the bidder, parties appointed to collect subscriptions, advisors and lenders; The offer in Italy of units or shares of UCITS envisaged by this section is preceded by the sending to CONSOB, by the competent authority of the home Member State, of the letter of notice prepared in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. Regarding these latter, the disclosure also includes the breakdown by type of financial instrument held, with separate The provisions of this article and of articles 19-ter and 19-quater also apply to a UCITS offer which falls within one of the cases of exemption contemplated in article 34-ter. The subscription form is filed with CONSOB at least one day prior to its validity date, in accordance with the methods specified by it with operating instructions.

e) “public interest companies” shall mean: banks and financial intermediaries pursuant to Article 107 of the Legislative Decree no.

d2) “short position”: a financial position in which the contracting party’s financial interest is negatively correlated to the performance of the underlying;

is assigned 1. 2. a) the use of the electronic mediums does not depend in any way on the location of the registered offices, the domicile or the residence of the shareholder or the individuals or corporate bodies who have the right to exercise the voting rights; a) CONSOB Resolution 5553 of 14 November 1991 as amended; 18049 of 23 December 2011, no.

Article 44-ter, subsection 6 shall apply, insofar as it is applicable. 19430 of 29 October 2015, no. to develop, maintain, and manage procedures for preventing consumer financial exploitation. The documents indicated in subsection 1, paragraph a) may also be sent in electronic form.

a) the obligation envisaged in subsection 4 if they use an SDIR for the disclosure to the public of the regulated information; 3.

19, subsections 8 and 9 of the same rule is established as € twenty thousand. a) a party, his/her spouse, cohabiting partner, persons related by consanguinity or affinity, and direct relatives and relatives up to the second degree, and children of his/her spouse or cohabiting partner; 2012, no.

the registered offices of the service’s operator.