The ECA is bound to report any problems in its reports for the attention of t…
The subjects covered in our Out of many months’ audit work we : +352 4398-1 The Court is essentially a cross between a court of exchequer, comptroller general's office, and auditor general's office in common-law countries. The Court of Audit (French: Cour des comptes) is the national French administrative court charged with conducting financial and legislative audits of most public institutions and some private institutions, including the central Government, national public corporations, social security agencies (since 1950), and public services (since 1976). To be eligible for a post at the ECA, one must be a citizen of one of the European Union Member States. 3 MB
In its annual report on the implementation of the 2009 EU Budget, the Court of Auditors found that the two biggest areas of the EU budget, agriculture and regional spending, have not been signed off on and remain "materially affected by error".The ECA made clear in its year report for 2010 that "Responsibility for the legality and regularity of spending on Cohesion Policies starts in the Member States, but the Commission bears the ultimate responsibility for the correct implementation of the budget".
The election takes place by a secret ballot of those members who applied for the presidency. The ECA did not have a defined legal status until the Despite its name, the ECA has no jurisdictional functions. He succeeded Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeira (of ECA staff are mainly officials recruited via the reserve lists from general competitions organised by the European Personnel Selection Office external link (EPSO).