Drinking infected water or even just using it to wash foods, kitchen utensils or culinary items can lead to transmission of the infection.The bacteria may also attach to zooplankton present in salt water, brackish water and even fresh water. People infected with cholera often have diarrhea, and disease transmission may occur if this highly liquid stool, colloquially referred to as "rice-water", contaminates water used by others.Both toxic and non-toxic strains exist. In 1883, In many developing countries, cholera still reaches its victims through contaminated water sources, and countries without proper sanitation techniques have greater incidence of the disease.Similarly, South Africa's cholera outbreak was exacerbated by the government's policy of privatizing water programs. Lack of treatment of human The disease appears in the European literature as early as 1642, from the Dutch physician Early outbreaks in the Indian subcontinent are believed to have been the result of poor living conditions as well as the presence of pools of Since it became widespread in the 19th century, cholera has killed tens of millions of people.Historically many different claimed remedies have existed in folklore. The wealthy elite of the country were able to afford safe water while others had to use water from cholera-infected rivers.According to Colwell, the quality and inclusiveness of a country's health care system affects the control of cholera, as it did in the Besides contributing to an effective or declining public health care system and water sanitation treatments, government can have indirect effects on cholera control and the effectiveness of a response to cholera.This article is about the bacterial disease. with these We use cookies to enhance your experience. The bacteria latch onto the chitinous exoskeleton of these plankton.Once the bacteria is ingested on eating contaminated food or water, it has to survive the journey through the digestive tract. This eliminated the threat of cholera epidemics from the major developed cities in the world.
The watery diarreah is typically pale and cloudy in appearance and is also known of as "rice water stool," in reference to its similarity to water that has been used to wash rice. This diarreah is teeming with bacteria which can contaminate drinking water in the case of poor sanitation and infect other people who drink the water.The bacteria causing cholera is present in stool or other effluent that may seep into and contaminate waterways, soil or sources of drinking water.
Transmission of cholera. "Cholera vaccines. Once these bacteria pass into the small intestine, they begin to produce long tail-like structures called flagella that help them propagate and move through intestinal mucus until they reach the intestinal walls. The FDA recently approved External a single-dose live oral cholera vaccine called Vaxchora® (lyophilized CVD 103-HgR) for adults 18 – 64 years old who are traveling to an area of active cholera transmission with toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 (the bacteria strain that most commonly causes cholera). "Cholera Transmission". The WHO recommends this generally for cases of diarrhea no matter what the underlying cause.The most common error in caring for patients with cholera is to underestimate the speed Vibrio cholerae can get into food or water either naturally or via contaminated feces. World Health Organization. Vibrio cholerae is the causative agent responsible for cholera. March 7, 2012.