The newly formed Weimar constitution had many distinguishing features, one of which was that they were a democratic government as before the war Germany had not been really democratic, this was because the Kaiser was a dictator which meant everything he said would happen. The Weimar constitution recognised the 17 German states and allowed for their continuation. Other parties with significant representation included the Catholic With Berlin still at risk of renewed violence, the National Assembly met in the town of Weimar on February 6th. They believed that people had the right to chose and change their government.

The constitution replaced the king with a president, who was not part of the 5.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.In the month following the signing of the treaty, the The Weimar constitution’s most modern features, the provisions for popular The constitution stated that the new government must have a president, an elected … The national government would …

Law-making power would be shared between the federal Reichstag and state Landtags. Even Hugo Preuss, the man who drafted much of the constitution, wondered aloud whether such a progressive system should be given to a people who “resisted it with every sinew of its body.”1. Amongst other things, the Weimar constitution created the national The design of a new constitution began in late 1918, following the abdication of Though Ebert and his party were nominally socialist, the SPD leadership was dominated by moderates who favoured gradualism and progress rather than radical change. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Above all, the new constitution would be liberal. It would be federalist but must ensure the continuation of a single German nation; it would be democratic but would contain strong executive powers for dealing with emergencies.

Elections for the National Assembly were held on January 19th 1919, a few days after the suppression of the The SPD returned the most votes of any single party, its representatives filling 38 per cent of seats in the assembly. This view was expressed by historian Klaus Fischer, who considered it “doubtful whether such a democratic constitution could work in the hands of a people that was neither psychologically nor historically prepared for self-government”. Preuss suggested a political system modelled on that of the United States. Check out Britannica's new site for parents! The German government was headed by a chancellor, who was appointed by the president. Categories  Search Britannica This would potentially allow for dictatorship to develop. Overview of the founding of the Weimar Republic, 1919. The 3 main features of Democracy are :- 1) Adult franchise 2) Freedom of Expression of citizens 3) Freedom of Judiciary and sovereignty guaranteed by constitution. Neither proved easy or popular with the German people. Article 48 of the Constitution stated that in an emergency, the President could take control of Germany and issue laws and decrees. The Weimar constitution The Weimar Republic was set up as a representative democracy which tried to give genuine power to all German adults. Universal suffrage was established, with a minimum voting age of 20. In replace of this, under the control of allies, a number of meetings were held in the city of Weimar to form a constitution for the creation of a new republic. For more information, visit our The constitution technically remained in effect throughout the Nazi era Login

This National Assembly formed a new government under Ebert and Schiedemann and approved one of the most liberal constitutions in the world.3.

The draft constitution was finalised in August 1919, passed by the National Assembly and signed into law by Ebert. This constitution became the basis for the Weimar Republic’s troubled and often unstable political system. Features 

The constitution declared Germany to be a democratic parliamentary republic with a legislature elected under proportional representation. The Constitution of the German Reich (German: Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs), usually known as the Weimar Constitution (Weimarer Verfassung), was the constitution that governed Germany during the Weimar Republic era (1919–1933). The chancellor nominated a cabinet of ministers and was responsible for steering legislation through the This Weimar Republic site contains articles, sources and perspectives on Germany between 1918 and 1933. It would contain strong protections for the rights and liberties of the individual.This constitution made the Weimar Republic one of the most democratic and liberal political systems of its time. Constitutional features. Within a week, the Assembly had formed a coalition government comprised of the SPD and other left-wing or liberal parties.