Stats and facts are quite sparse on this topic.Hi, I'm Bryan Haines. When you use our links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Strongest Man: 1,036 lb (470 kg) by Andrey Malanichev at Boss of Bosses II in Mountain View. World's STRONGEST Man vs Unbreakable Box!

You are indeed where you belong. The World's Strongest Man 2016 - FINAL - Duration: 42:53. Bruce is "unaging" immortal, not "invulnerable to harm" immortal. share.

... Maybe the world's strongest men would be equally matched I am jack's weak lifting. Gorilla is a healthy adult but the smallest one they could find (figure about 220 lbs.) The gorilla has superior agility, but the bear has claws, more teeth and is much larger.The outcome of the battle depends on who struck first. Kicking off our list of the strongest currencies in the world is the US dollar. level 1. Here's This is about as abstract as the previous matchup. Gorilla strength is not only impressive, but also somewhat scary! do you think the strongest man in the world who has experience in kickboxing and wrestling beat up a large male silverback gorilla do you think he could pin or knockout a gorilla cold what do you guys think? Gorillas strength is about 10 times their body weight.If we take an average weight of a 400 lb (181 kg) for an adult male mountain gorilla, that means that it could hypothetically lift upwards of 4,000 lb (1,810 kg)!But before we get started, I want to make one thing clear.

Shangius. It is unlikely that these two animals would ever meet.The lion has a brutal, unforgiving bite. The strength of a silverback gorilla compared to humans, grizzlies, lions, and crocodiles.Please post it in the comments – I want to improve this post and make it better. In this video, you'll see a gorilla pull a banana tree over – and bust in into kindling as if it was a tiny branch. But the crocodile has an overwhelming bite – more than 4 times the pressure a gorilla can produce. Never, becuase strongest man is stronger than other humans , but gurilla is a beast , thicker bones and skin , extremely powerfull muscels , and also brutal enough to fight like the craziest man in the world .

Learn more Even with a military grade exoskeleton, we would stand no chance with a gorilla in hand to hand combat.

Let me know in the comments what you think!How much stronger is a gorilla than a human? 4 comments. If you've ever seen a banana tree up close, you'll know that this isn't nearly as easy as he makes it look.The video is fuzzy and shaky – but shows his strength nice and clear.Gorillas have exceptional strength thanks to something known as Yes, but only sometimes.

Gorillas live at an altitude of 5,400 – 12,400 ft (1,650 to 3,790 m). Gorillas live high in the east African mountains. But the gorilla has the strength to pull apart the bears mouth.This is a possible encounter, seeing that both mountain gorillas and African lions inhabit the same general area in east Africa.However, lions spend their time on the savannah. If you want to know more about how strong gorillas are, keep reading AnimalWised.

It could most likely rip your arms off.
Shorter legs and longer arms make gorillas mechanically favored for this lift.Displays of strength are uncommon and seldom captured. The gorilla’s musculature and skeleton are considerably more robust than the human’s, which means that the gorilla will soak up much more punishment before … The gorilla has overwhelming strength but it's hard to say if it could tackle a lion armed with a mouth full of teeth and claws built for hunting.The battle could go either way – depending on time of day, terrain and strength of the individual animals. His bones will break before he can overpower a silverback. The man places the gorilla's favourite food near a cliff edge, waits until it falls asleep (waits multiple nights if need be), then quickly pushes careless gorilla over the embankment.