In addition to punishing and intimidating social-justice protesters, authorities provoke them to resist — then they characterize the demonstrators as violent. Retired Naval Aviator Chris Harnes explains in Salazar had stated to U.S. Civil Rights Commission officials that the police were following him and that he feared they would frame him for a crime. — 1. Ruben Salazar was one of the most renowned Latino journalists of his time.

To learn more, please read Tanya King's story below about the Rubén Salazar Archives.

Nineteen people were wounded by buckshot and one was killed. Screen grab from the film Requiem 29.Police determined that Wilson had fired the fatal projectile. Founded by Stephen F. Austin to serve his slave colonies, Rangers eradicated Native Americans (Walter Prescott Webb called them “Indian exterminators”) and did slave-patrol duty. Silver Dollar interior, facing Wilshire Boulevard.

Already, in the wake of senseless violence directed against journalists and peaceful protesters, efforts are being made to defund and transform police departments, and to dismantle other mechanisms of white supremacy.Felipe Reyes and I are hopeful that we have finally reached a tipping point at which widespread outrage at unwarranted state violence will force lasting, institutional change on many levels. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!”Graham analyzes Tump’s rhetoric: “‘Infest’ is the essential, and new, word here. Hadley Roff, a friend and colleague of Salazar’s at the Others remembered Salazar as a close friend, a talented reporter, a brave colleague, a fun guy, and all in all a nice person. By Gerardo Fernández Noroña, Rubén Salazar, Martha Anaya. These are animals.” Trump stated in a June tweet that Democrats didn’t care about immigrants who “pour into and infest our Country”:“Democrats are the problem. It is unlikely they had any intention of permitting an authorized, peaceful demonstration to transpire. “But because Trump is a chronic liar, it is hard to keep him accountable.”Of all the victims of police violence, Reyes was most concerned with the eminent journalist Rubén Salazar when he made Let’s start with the other two fatalities.

Katsuyama said Salazar’s head wound was consistent with the projectile. Rodolfo Acuña, in Police forces have habitually attacked people of color when they exercise their constitutionally protected rights to assemble and protest, but have not used the same methods against the KKK, neo-Nazis, or right wing protesters and militias. (For a profile of Ruiz with pictures, including a short clip of him being beaten by police at another demonstration when he tried to intervene on behalf of a girl who was being brutalized, see Deputy Coroner David Katsuyama with “Flite-Rite” tear gas projectile (a barricade penetrator not designed to be shot directly at people), testifying at Coroner’s Inquest, 1970. Police initially described it as a bullet wound.Los Angeles Times front page, August 30, 1970, which states that Salazar was killed by a bullet in the Silver Dollar.Hunter S. Thompson investigated the story when his friend, the activist attorney Oscar Acosta, told him the police “just murdered the only man in the community they were really afraid of,” and predicted no one would be tried for the crime. Amnesty International George Floyd’s recent murder at the hands of Minneapolis policemen is a uniquely catalytic event, with a deep, transformative effect.
Then Deputy Sheriff Thomas Wilson quickly fired two projectiles into the Silver Dollar, allegedly to force everyone out. against people of color. It’s all about the money.”In Texas, the shock troops that performed the dirtiest of this work were the Texas Rangers. He subsequently forced the two women inside as well.
Directions are specified in small print: “To Be Used on Chicanos, Indians, Blacks, and all Other Undesirables.”Reyes was addressing violence perpetrated by security forces (police departments, sheriff’s departments, Texas Rangers, etc.) Comments are closed. Source: German Propaganda Archive.Nazis commonly referred to Jews as rats: explicitly, implicitly, and symbolically. Ruiz says the tear gas would have killed everyone in a matter of minutes, had they not been able to flee out the back door. Gustav Montag, an immigrant student, was struck in the heart by a ricocheted buckshot pellet. Giovanni López. The Rangers tortured, lynched, and massacred thousands of people of color in the early twentieth century. Ruiz (who was across the street) and the people inside the bar did not hear any police warnings until long after Wilson fired.Sheriff Grasser with shotgun (or tear gas gun) forcing men into the Silver Dollar (an action he denied taking). However, the real story is that between his years in El Paso and Los Angeles Salazar worked for several years in Northern California, first for the Salazar also wrote a column called “Petaluma on Parade,” which covered social issues, problems, and just about anything happening in Petaluma. “It’s about time,” concludes Reyes, who has been seeking these changes for more than 50 years.

The Nazi military commander Heinrich Himmler stated in 1943: “Anti-Semitism is exactly the same as delousing. Anglo-Americans took Native American lands and killed them.