Het Nationalpark Eifel is een plek, waar de zintuigen weer tot leven komen: Zien vanaf uitkijkpunten zoals de Hirschley, gelegen op 180 meter boven de Rurstausee. Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5 pmThe Eifel newsletter provides regular news on hiking and cycle tours in the Eifel, holiday offers and attractions.© Eifel Tourismus (ET) GmbH | Kalvarienbergstraße 1 | D-54595 Prüm The Eifel National Park on Facebook (opens in a new window) The Eifel National Park on Instagram (opens in a new window) The Eifel National Park on YouTube (opens in a new window) The Eifel National Park on Facebook (opens in a new window) The Eifel National Park on Instagram (opens in a new window) The Eifel National Park on YouTube (opens in a new window) The Eifel National Park, which was founded in 2004 and spans some 110 square kilometres, is still classed as a “National Park in development”.

National Park Administration . Je hoort het kloppen van de spechten en ruikt het lievevrouwebedstro, voelt het mos en de ruwe bast. In the early summer, the yellow broom flowers turn the Eifel National Park golden. The Eifel National Park extends over an area of approx. Wald und Holz NRW Eifel National Park Forestry Office Urftseestraße 34 53937 Schleiden-Gemünd. Conservation areas within this category have thirty years to allow at least three quarters of the area to return to nature – it is only then that they fulfil the international National Park criteria. The National Park is home to a total of 240 kilometres of walking trails – and they are open around the clock, 365 days a year.

Tel. All of the information is summarised on this site. Woods, water, wilderness - the only National Park in North Rhine-Westfalia is worth exploring with a rangerThe Hohes Venn Eifel nature park, which crosses national borders, connects North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate and eastern Belgium in the north of the Eifel. Eifel National Park The Eifel National Park is the 14th national park in Germany and the first in North Rhine-Westphalia.Eifel National Park is part of the much larger High Fens – Eifel Nature Park, a cross-border protection between Germany and Belgium established in 1960. Please use the following keyboard shortcuts to adjust the font size: The National Park is home to a total of 240 kilometres of walking trails. The nature park is dominated by The hotels, holiday flats, campsites and restaurants with the “Eifel National Park host” label look forward to your visit!The air in the Eifel National Park is so clear and unclouded that you can observe the stars very well.You can contact Eifel Tourismus GmbH The National Park Authority has marked all paths with wooden signposts and the routes are on display on the welcome boards at the entrances to the National Park. : +49 (0) 24 44 / 95 10-0 Fax: +49 (0) 24 44 / 95 10-85. info@nationalpark-eifel… The large protected area offers almost entirely undisturbed living space for wild cats and black storks, among other animals. In order to provide you with the best possible overview of events, suggested walks, tourist attractions and our National Park hosts, we operate a page on the digital guide book Outdooractive. 110 square kilometres in the middle of the Hohes Venn Eifel nature park.