You can complete the definition of slight against given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster ... Search slight against and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. Nadia's father doesn't listen to his daughter; he just wants to punish what he perceives as a slight against him. It's most often used by sociopaths, cult leaders, lawyers, and bad boyfriends. ing, slights 1. A slight is an insult or an implication that someone is unworthy of respect of attention. The goal is to convince a person that they're insane and that none of their memories or beliefs are reliable. It is a slight against the other person, demeaning their status and shaming them. Suggest new translation/definition I found a post on this form but it was in reference to the meaning of 'insult'. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples — slight noun, plural slights [count] a deliberate slight. Changes, such as a slight increase in protein in the cerebrospinal fluid, are indicative of neosporosis. The remark was not intended to be a slight on his character. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) Slight may also be used as a transitive verb to mean doing something poorly or treating something or someone as unimportant or with disrespect.
to slight someone. (The fraudsters then get the staff confused and use sleight of hand to seize money belonging to the business. To treat (someone) with discourteous reserve or inattention: "the occasional feeling of being slighted at others' underestimating my charms and talents" (Joseph Epstein… Police are investigating several reports of mobile phones going missing after shops were visited by a customer with a knack for sleight-of-hand. english Dec 3, 2006 #1 Bonjour, I can't find the definition 'to be slighted' in my dictionary. On the other hand, the word slight is more commonly used as an adjective meaning “small in degree or inconsiderable” It may also mean “not sturdy and strongly built” when referring to to persons or their build.” State sees slight increase in cougar hunting permits The Park Record. That's no slight against David's lyrics -- the same thing would be true of Dylan's. Slight means an inconsequential amount, to a small extent, frail, or having little significance, when used as an adjective. I do not intend this to be any sort of slight against Robots and Pencils, however. (In the course of the evening we get rope-tricks, sleight of hand and, from TV3 has taken over the show that was once a TVNZ staple so it was with slight excitement and wonderment that I sat down with greasy hands poised above my laptop to wrestle some words of judgment into something digestible. English-Simple Definition dictionary : translate English words into Simple Definition with online dictionaries KTXS Forecast: Warm with slight rain chances KTXS I'm sure he didn't mean to slight you. usu passive They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted. C'est exactement l'opposé. Look, it's not a slight against you, Cat, it's quite the opposite.
As a noun, slight refers to an insult. : to offend or insult (someone): to treat (someone) with disrespect. 3 verb If you are slighted, someone does or says something that insults you by treating you as if your views or feelings are not important. Lord Frey will take this delay as a slight. Thread starter mully; Start date Dec 3, 2006; M. mully Senior Member. Lord Frey va prendre ce retard comme un manque de respect. Something that is slight is very small in degree or quantity.Doctors say he has made a slight improvement..., We have a slight problem..., He's not the slightest bit worried.A slight person has a fairly thin and delicate looking body.If you are slighted, someone does or says something that insults you by treating you as if your views or feelings are not important.They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted.It isn't a slight on my husband that I enjoy my evening class.You use in the slightest to emphasize a negative statement.synhtetic pyrethroid pesticide C21 H20 CL2 O3 used espacially form of electronic indemnification for businesses and individuals The adjective version of slight means small, weak, or delicate. He was slighted by his colleagues. You can slight someone by making such an statement through action or words.
Écoute, ce n'est pas une attaque contre toi. Gaslighting is basically "crazy making." (LOVERRO: Frank Robinson slighted during MLB’s ‘Greatest Living Players’ salute (I will share excellent internet freelancing opportunity… three to five hours of work /day… Payment each week… Performance depending bonuses…Payscale of $6k to $9k a month… Only few hrs of spare time, desktop or laptop, elementary understanding of internet and dependable web-connection$ needed…Have a visit to my disqus_profile for more infoTemperatures in Denver are expected to climb back in the 90s on Friday with a slight chance of afternoon showers and thunderstorms.