If you see your animal panting heavily, take it into the shade or a cool room. In addition, cats and dogs need protection from sunburn and insect bites. Here’s what matters to millennials.A state-by-state look at where Generation Y stands on the big issues.Spraying a dog with cool water might seem like a good idea in hot weather. (Linda Davidson/THE WASHINGTON POST)This content is paid for by an advertiser and published by WP BrandStudio. in order to maintain a constant body temperature,” he said. Keeping cats indoors not only protects them from a variety of animal encounters, it also prevents them from being injured or killed by cars.Lawn chemicals and fertilizers, insect repellants and sprays, weed control products, antifreeze, slug bait, ant bait, rat poison, and pool chemicals are just a few toxic chemicals your Bee stings, spider bites, and other related injuries are common in cats. Make sure your cat has plenty of fresh water, and consider closing curtains to reduce the heating effects of sunlight through the windows. Cats should also be brought inside if severe weather is expected, as heavy rain, flooding, and high winds can be hazardous, especially for cats that are hiding under cars or in other low-lying areas.Cats that are allowed to roam outside are more likely to have encounters with other cats and wild animals during the summer months. UNDERSTANDING PET BEHAVIORVetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. “Dogs have developed their hair coats for a reason. Cats can suffer from exposure to heat just like we can. By the time he arrived here for medical care, there was nothing we could do, and the dog died.”The key to avoiding such an outcome, the vets say, is to always err on the side of caution in hot weather. All rights reserved. YOUR VET “And let’s not forget, dogs don’t know when to stop. “If the situation progresses, they may even look gray or purple, which is very bad. Animals eventually collapse and go into a coma, at which point seizure and respiratory arrest develop.“A man who happened to be a medical doctor went running with his dog and the dog began panting and becoming lethargic,” says Ashley Hughes, a veterinarian at Friendship Animal Hospital in the District. Use your hand to wipe off the water so it carries the heat with it. Shaving could also contribute to dehydration, says Jones, noting that research has found that “camels in the desert that are shaved, for example, do worse than those with fur, requiring more water evaporation to stay cool.”Despite these natural mechanisms, Washington summer days can quickly overwhelm pets, even if a human might experience the weather as benign.But when dogs run around, or are walked or run too long, or when they’re left in the sun, a warm house or a car, they can quickly overheat.

During periods of cold weather, cats will go looking for a warm place to hunker down.

A friend of mine asked me what to do with her cat in the hot weather. Temperatures below this point can lead to severe irreversible damage to your plants.

The Atlanta pet sitters at Critter Sitters have developed the following article to inform cat owners about how can heat affect their pets. Panting or cooling off with water, cool tiles or moving air no longer works to dissipate their rising body heat. Cats should not be left outside for long periods of time in the summer and should always have the option of coming inside. Don’t forget to also check garages and storage sheds.Your cat may encounter toxic houseplants (such as elephant ear and dieffenbachia) at any time of the year, but plants that flower in warm weather, like daisies, dahlias, lilies, and chrysanthemums, are also toxic and create additional hazards for cats that go outside. Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. “Fur acts as a thermal regulator to slow down the process of heat absorption.” By shedding in hot weather, dogs and cats make their coats more suitable for heat protection instead of warmth. Temperatures in excess of 100 degrees are too hot for most cats. Sign up for email updates from the "Confronting the Caliphate" series. Let us know! It’s a barrier between the dog’s skin and the sun,” according to Emily Rogell, medical director of the Metropolitan Emergency Animal Clinic in Rockville. Keep homes cool or well ventilated. He took the dog home and kept a watch on him, but the dog began to get worse. Cats like warmth and like to stay near a fire, lie in the sun or stay near a radiator. What Temperature Is Too Hot For Cats? For indoor cats, make water as appealing as possible by changing it frequently and washing the bowl every day. 2001-2020 

I don’t recommend clipping or shaving unless there is a medical reason,” such as a skin condition or terribly matted fur. Protect your cat from these hazards by having him or her spayed or neutered and keeping vaccines up-to-date.

In very hot weather, keep water cool by dropping a couple of ice cubes in the bowl. “The less heat and sun reach the skin, the less hot the dog will be.